IN part two of stories about those who have encountered the religious police, freelance writer Nabila Nasir, 25, recounts the harassment and extortion she and a now ex-boyfriend experienced at the hands of moral guardians in mid-2007.
The KL-born and raised Nabila says that until today, she has no proof that the man who claimed to be a religious enforcer was really one at all. Eventually, though, Nabila and her then boyfriend were allowed to go free without any charges. In this exclusive phone interview with The Nut Graph on 26 May 2010, she gives a blow by blow account of what happened.
The Nut Graph: Tell us what you were doing before the authorities showed up.
Nabila Nasir: Back then I was dating a Chinese [Malaysian] guy, who was studying in Sydney and came back during his break. He came over to my house one weekday, in Subang, to watch a movie on DVD. After the movie, we went out to have ice cream in Taipan. We were dressed very casually – I didn’t even bring my handphone or IC with me. After ice cream, we drove around and stopped at a park. We kissed a bit, and after five minutes a police car pulled up behind us. This was around 7pm, I guess.
In the car were three men — two in police uniform and one plainclothes. All three were Malay [Malaysian]. The plainclothes man said he was from the jabatan agama. When we got out of the car and I asked for his ID, all three said, “You are in the wrong now, so it’s not your place to ask for his ID.”
What did you say to that?
I said, “I know my rights.” When I said that, they asked my ex-boyfriend to order me to go back into our car. I didn’t want to, but I eventually did. They ended up taking my ex-boyfriend’s IC. I could overhear them telling him, “This is khalwat. Your girlfriend could be charged, and you would also have to go to court and angkat sumpah. Do you want to go to court?” Then they asked him for RM300.
I shouted from inside the car, “No bloody way!” I told my ex-boyfriend, “If anyone is going to get charged for khalwat, it’s going to be me and not you, so don’t listen to them!”

I couldn’t call any of my lawyer friends because I didn’t bring my phone with me. So I demanded to use my ex-boyfriend’s phone to call my friends and tell them what was happening. But then I realised I had not memorised any of their numbers. I pretended to dial the phone anyway. I could sense the officers getting scared when they saw me doing this and they continued telling him, “You don’t want to go to court and face the hassle.”
I was really losing my temper, but my ex-boyfriend kept telling me not to lose it, because he didn’t want to get into more trouble. The three men then refused to give him back his IC and asked us to go to the police station. I was like, “For what?” But I went eventually with my ex-boyfriend.
Why did your ex-boyfriend follow them, and why did you choose to follow them as well?
The thing is, they acted rough with my ex-boyfriend every time I started kicking up a fuss. I really didn’t want to go along, but I didn’t have my wallet on me, or my handphone, or my IC.
Which police station did they bring you to? Did they tell you if you were under arrest?

It was the USJ8 police station, and no, they didn’t tell us we were under arrest. At the police station, they then asked us for RM500 so that we could settle the issue right there and walk away. I said, “We are not paying you RM500.” But then my ex-boyfriend agreed to pay. But we didn’t have any money on us at that time. That’s when they asked me for my home address, and I said, “No bloody way.” My ex-boyfriend then decided to call his friend to borrow the money. I said, “No bloody way! That’s not the point!”
But then the officers all started threatening him again, telling him he couldn’t go back to Sydney, that they could do things to withhold his visa to re-enter Australia. In the end, my ex-boyfriend caved in and called his friend.
Did his friend come?

Yes, it took about 20 minutes for his friend to come to the station. While waiting for his friend, the officers started harassing my ex-boyfriend. They said things like, “Are you serious about going out with her?”, “Getting married soon?”, “You’re not scared of getting circumcised?”, and “Don’t you want to convert to Islam?”
Then my ex-boyfriend had to go to the bathroom and they started harassing me instead. They said, “Oh, your boyfriend is lucky to have a girlfriend with big breasts.” And then they said, “There’s no more shame in this world when Malay [Malaysian] girls can stoop to dating Chinese [Malaysian] men.” And then they asked me, “Is Chinese penis really that good?”
How did you respond to this?
I glared at the religious enforcer and said, “Yes, it’s delicious and I love it!”
And what did he say to that?
He was shocked into silence.
Then my ex-boyfriend returned from the bathroom and everyone was quiet for a while. He signalled at me not to make a scene. Then his friend arrived with the money, and he paid them off. They didn’t give us a receipt or anything, and told us we were free to go. As we were leaving, the religious enforcer said, “Don’t forget to invite us to your wedding.” I said, “Don’t forget to bring a RM500 ang pow.”
Has this experience affected you in any way?
It does make me a bit wary about where and who I hang out with now. I mean, I live in a condo in Bangsar now, and I’m always having dinner parties and some of my guests include men. But if any enforcers tried to intrude, I’d probably still try to fight them off.
Part 1: Married but busted for khalwat
Part 3: Diam, pondan!
The Nut Graph needs your support
Ming says
I like the retort by Nabila. Padan muka si beruk yang tanya soalan tu…
Ming says
And then they asked me, “Is Chinese penis really that good?”
Tak malu ker beruk tu tanya soalan begini kat anak dara orang?
Chink stinks says
Yang anak dara tu buat benda tak senonoh kenapa? Tak rasa malu ke?
Kong Kek Kuat says
@ Chink stinks
Malu apa kalau nak dibandingkan dengan UMNOputra-UMNOputra yang seronok dengan benda-benda yang haram?
Benny says
Delicious indeed! Lol.. U r so brave. I adore you. 🙂
Nadia Ali says
“Yes, it’s delicious and I love it!”
*standing ovation*
Cadraver says
“Yes, it’s delicious and I love it!”
Absolutely classic. Nice article.
Allow me to point out some issues in the above article:
1. Assuming Nabila Nasir is a Muslim, she did break religious [law] by [committing] khalwat and [for] kissing a non-muhrim man.
2. What [is she trying to take issue with?]
a) Was she not guilty?
b) Is she contesting the facts of the law [against] allowing men and women to be in close proximity and [to] kiss each other?
c) Is she complaining about “treatment” she received at the police station? She did say she was losing the temper, and I would not expect the police [officer] to be “gentle” with her.
d) [Is there] any law that you could “quote” that says you could “refuse” to follow the police to the station if you are found without your IC outside your home?
The only issue here is the police taking a bribe [from] her ex-boyfriend. Both [parties] are guilty.
To the Editor, please be a responsible Malaysian citizen and understand that the majority of Muslims in this country understand our religious doctrines well and we are required by this doctrine to implement and respect the doctrine. I am very ashamed of your [attempt] to play up something [based on] your own values by using this […] Nabila Nasir.
Ming says
The issue here is about the absurdity of institutionalised Islamisation in Malaysia.
Simon Keith says
I understand what Haswandi means but after all, I strongly agree with Ming.
Malaysia is absurdly Islam-ising everyone. And believe me, in other countries, no one would bother about your IC when you are out there in the street. It sounds so stupid for keeping this old and out-dated way to prove one’s identity.
mua jei says
Could you please explain what do you mean by “institutionalised Islamisation” in Malaysia?
They have never attempted to convert anyone to Islam in Malaysia by force.
But some non-Muslims do take advantage of [converting to Islam] to get something for their own personal gain and then decide to revert back and create a ruckus in Malaysia, saying that there is no religious freedom here.
Think about that. What do you say of people who flip-flop in their choice of religion? Nuts?
To Nabila,
Bangga sangat lah tu… […].
Jau says
Hmm.. I don’t think flip-flopping in their choice of religion is nuts. Who’s to really know what they want for themselves if they don’t experience it first?
I think it’s important to really understand all religions, either by reading or by experiencing them – that way, your mind is open and one probably can get a deeper sense of what God really is.
Ok, no one is forcing anyone to convert to Islam in Malaysia, unless they fall in love and want to marry someone who is Muslim. Why isn’t that a law in Indonesia, but a law here?
And the fact that they will get “personal gains” from converting to Islam is another problem – why gain something only when you [profess] a certain religion?
weedeez says
Correction: They have never attempted to directly convert anyone into Islam by force.
I say ‘directly’ because there are a lot of “fringe benefits” offered in our country today just for being a Muslim or bumiputra.
By promoting non-spiritual “benefits”, we are to a certain extent encouraging, enticing and/or even bribing non-Muslims to convert… for all the wrong reasons.
Let’s think about the wives and children of the men who are converted into Islam without their knowledge.
Mua Jei, assuming you are a Muslim, how would you feel if you woke up one day and found yourself to be a Buddhist/Christian/Hindu by default and there is no choice but to accept it? Don’t even think about trying to “un-convert” then because then people would assume that you are creating a ruckus.
We don’t hear the whole nation getting involved if a Christian were to convert into Buddhism or vice versa. People make a fuss about it (regardless of initial reason of converting) because they were never given a choice in the first place.
SH says
Just to clarify, your claim that “fringe benefits” are offered in Malaysia to people who are Muslim or bumiputera is inaccurate.
If this argument is about religion, then you should be aware that bumiputera is not solely comprised of Malays. For example, indigenous people are Malays. But they are non-Muslim, and their general quality of life would indicate that they have not had the pleasure of enjoying the “fringe benefits” you make reference to. This goes to show that sometimes, even being Malay is not enough to guarantee financial and/or economic perks.
As for your comment that non-Muslims are being “encouraged, enticed and/or even bribed” to convert through the promotion of non-spiritual “benefits”, I’d like to know on what basis you’ve made this assumption. It seems a bit of a stretch that a person would abandon the religion they have known all their lives just to line their pockets with a bit of extra dough. To give you the benefit of the doubt, perhaps there are people who don’t think twice about doing this. But let’s face it: a handful of occurrences does not a fact make.
dr. K says
Dear Haswandi,
How is she committing khalwat when she said they stopped at a park, it my be secluded but viewing is not restrictive? How would the police know she was actually kissing her boyfriend? To be caught for khalwat you would need witnesses. So did the police see this kissing in motion? She might be just winding up the police by saying they were kissing. Judging by her character, she’s a feisty one, isnt she? I, too, love to menganjing-kan the police.
There were two uniformed police and one plain clothes [officer] (who claims to be a police, for all you know he is just a mate of the police [officers]). Police should provide IDs upon request by the suspects (even though suspects might or might not be in the wrong). There’s a lot of bogus police [officers] around … […]. I don’t trust these “pistoled monkeys on wheels”.
All suspects have rights before proven guilty. To me, she hasn’t been found guilty in the eyes of the authorities.
[The police] need extra pocket money and thus this sort of situation [allows them to become] vultures. Taking the two of them to the police station, “fining” them but not issuing a receipt. What I learn from this is, the police [officers] dare to harass people for bribes at the police station. How is that possible? [Do the other police in the station have a share in the bribe, too?]
So Haswandi, please stay in context, this column is about the police’s behaviour not the suspects. So do you think the police were professional in doing their jobs?
Merah Silu says
Sdr Haswandi,
I share your view that TNG should be more responsible to expose the interview to the public. The article would like to show the wrongdoing of moral policing, but it does not realise that it creates greater damage to the sensitivities of Malay and Muslim [Malaysians] in this country. I have a lot of sympathy for the parents of the young lady on the way she responded to the interview. She does not reflect the behaviour of a cultured Malay [Malaysian] and a good Muslim. And she is not a role model of a good citizen of this country. May Allah give a greater strength to her parents, and open her heart to the righteous path.
mkat says
a) Nope, not by any decent standards.
b) Well there seems to be one law for us “common peons” and another for the high and mighty. What about the recent case of two very famous Malay [Malaysian] entertainers caught for “khalwat” and let off with little more than a slap on the wrist? Or Mat Taib who ran off with the Sultan’s daughter?
c) So sexual harassment is okay with you? Such a paragon of moral virtue, indeed. [Are] these moral police are supposed to reproach this young girl for her so-called “misdeed” and encourage her to follow Islamic tenets by leering at her breasts or by asking her if Chinese penis tastes good?
Well done to the Mat Skodengs, far from promote Islamic values they manage to drive people farther away instead by their boorishness.
Tan says
Well said. If you want to be the moral guardian of the community, then you should not apply selective prosecution. All actions taken are closely watched by the nation.
MalayinAmerica says
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”
One of the great prophets said this. It applies to these morality police. By their actions of leering at her breasts and asking about her boyfriend’s penis, it is obvious they have filthy minds and filthy habits! A fool can guess what they do in their free time if they spend their working hours thinking of Chinese penis.
How can Malaysia have morality, if the people enforcing the morality do not understand the meaning of the word? These morality police think simply policing morality allows them to act immorally, as if they get immunity for moral persecution. Unfortunately for them, when they die they will find this is not the case!
takeasie says
If we want to pull in the issue of religion here, then things will be complicated. Nabila did break religious law, but I also see the police officers and the one from Jabatan Agama breaking the law as well. I believe if Nabila had met more respectful officers, she would have behaved differently. We are living in a Islamic country, yet we see corruption, politicians free to hop from party to party with no shame, police officers acting like robbers, tv programmes delivering “open” concepts and massages… and would you offer your seat in the train to someone who needs it more?? We are all living in a BOLEH era, in BOLEHland and in a BOLEH neighborhood. Now people talk more about “rights” than morals. We cannot blame young people for not behaving well. We all should look at the kind of environment we are giving them to grow in.
Anonymous Coward says
I concede that she is guilty by the laws of the religion. But let’s be honest here, the enforcement is very arbitrary and leads to abuse of power. Why did we let this happen?
As I see it, there’s no benefit to moral policing. Your opinion obviously differs from mine so let’s get that out of the way first. Why do we let snoop squads loose on the population? The last such case that I looked at was when a couple was found and did you know what happened? The moral officers proceeded to beat them up. I swear, there are videos and everything.
My question to you is how can you justify keeping such a system when it leads to such horrible situations? Who keeps the moral officers in line? What sort of code or guidelines do they have? What right do those caught by these officers have?
The problem with moral policing is because of the nature of the “crime” involved in such cases, the moral officers are pretty much given the leeway to do anything. No one wants to stand up to them because they simply want to put it behind them and get it over with. What gives these people the right to battery? To shame and harass? To extortion?
Do you see how the system lends itself to these sorts of abuses?
This is why people are outraged.
Rod says
Apart from the absurdity of rules regarding who is allowed to kiss who, and religious rules being legally binding, Haswandi needs to look up the difference between bribery and extortion.
haswandi says
Mr Rod,
[You might] know that there are syariah laws in this land and this law was written by humans based on the interpretation of God’s words. This is the core of our Muslim beliefs and this is not the right forum to contest our beliefs. By saying that the rules are absurd is like directly attacking the core of the beliefs. Mr Rod, something right for you does not mean it is also right for me. Please respect that.
I am very this is a bribery [sic]. To put it plainly, you [don’t] want to give the money, I will proceed with the case. If [it is] extortion you have no choice and if you refuse, then there will be physical harm. I suggest you understand the meaning first before trying to teach me.
weedeez says
I’m with Rod on this one. Let me attempt to help you understand the difference.
(Courtesy of dictionary.com)
(a) money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, esp. in that person’s performance as an athlete, public official, etc.
(b) anything given or serving to persuade or induce.
KEYWORDS: Given, promised (to corrupt one’s behavior). Not ASKED.
To EXTORT (referring to “Law”):
(a)to wrest or wring (money, information, etc.) from a person by violence, intimidation, or abuse of authority; obtain by force, torture, threat, or the like.
(b)to take illegally by reason of one’s office.
KEYWORDS: Abuse of authority, obtain by threat (i.e. “You can’t go back to Sydney”, “we can do things to withhold your visa”).
The law enforcement officers obtained the money by abusing their authority and by threat. Note: Nabila’s ex boyfriend gave up the money after being extorted (Twice!).
If Nabila’s ex boyfriend offered them money first without the fear of intimidation and/or threat (physical or not), then I believe we could classify that as a bribe.
Now you tell me if this is a case of bribing or extorting.
And seriously, look it up before replying or commenting.
haswandi says
Mr/Miss Weedeez;
“The law enforcement officers obtained the money by abusing their authority and by threat. ”
1)What physical threat [are you assuming would happen] if the money was not given in the above case? Was the boyfriend ever in a danger of being violently abused or would the enforcement guys just say if you do not give us the money, we shall go to the court?? […]
“If Nabila’s ex boyfriend offered them money first without the fear of intimidation and/or threat (physical or not), then I believe we could classify that as a bribe””
2)Bribery is not ONLY about “giving” it is also about “asking”, either way it could be considered as bribery.
AND NOW, you are really seriously need to look up before you want to “intervene”
weedeez says
LOL, TNG edited off one of my main points!
Anyhow, I don’t recall specifying PHYSICAL threat. But now that you mentioned it, does her Chinese ex boyfriend being “roughed up” count? Or does he have to suffer a certain level of “violent” injury for it to be counted as physical abuse?
And if that were to happen, would you still overlook all the other facts and still choose to highlight on Nabila’s faults (hers and hers alone) as a Muslim?
I do hope you are a man. Because if you are a woman, you should be ashamed of yourself.
This topic was originally about a young couple’s experience with the law enforcement officers. You went ahead and brought Islam into the picture and that obviously caused a riot because you know how we all “love” to talk about your religion. When the discussion went over drive, you conveniently accused TNG of having an agenda by intentionally highlighting topics like this that should never be discussed in the first place to maintain “harmony”.
Ignorance is bliss eh?
And that’s MISS to you.
Oi Mun says
Abusive language is a threat. The 1805 deaths in detention from 2003 to 2009 doesn’t instill much confidence. Throw in some more racist insinuations, [and] Chinese boy will surely chicken out (this is meant as a criticism of the Chinese).
And to Nabila, gua caya sama lu. She was willing to face up to khalwat charges.
Whether or not Nabila has committed khalwat is the duty of Syariah court to determine. So it is really about the country turning into police state. And the police violating the constitutional rights of normal folks which is a very serious criminal act.
weedeez says
1. Assuming Nabila Nasir is a Muslim, she did break religious [law] by [committing] khalwat and [for] kissing a non-muhrim man.
Yes. But that does not mean she or her ex-boyfriend, a non-Muslim, should be harassed, intimidated and/or extorted in any manner.
2. What [is she trying to take issue with?]
The fact that when she requested for some identifications, her request was instantly denied. The fact that both of them even stepped out of the car (even without identifications from the 3 men) was already demonstrating cooperation.
a) Was she not guilty?
Yes, by her religion. But I’m pretty sure the actions of the law enforcement officers can be found guilty in most religions and majority of the countries around the world.
b) Is she contesting the facts of the law [against] allowing men and women to be in close proximity and [to] kiss each other?
I believe she was contesting against the EXECUTION of the law.
c) Is she complaining about “treatment” she received at the police station? She did say she was losing the temper, and I would not expect the police [officer] to be “gentle” with her.
The “treatment” that she received at the police station that you so casually [refer to] is categorized as sexual harassment.
She was “losing her temper” after law enforcement officers tried to extort RM300 from her ex boyfriend.
d) [Is there] any law that you could “quote” that says you could “refuse” to follow the police to the station if you are found without your IC outside your home?
No. But I’m pretty sure that there is a law that says you are not required to answer any questions or present any identification, let alone go anywhere anyone directs you to if no proper identifications were presented FIRST.
e) The only issue here is the police taking a bribe [from] her ex-boyfriend. Both [parties] are guilty.
Don’t forget the extortion, intimidation and sexual harassment.
May I remind you that the law enforcement [officers] were there representing Islam. They saw an opportunity with a Muslim girl with her Chinese boyfriend and used the excuse of their religion to enforce their authority.
So I’m pretty sure you’d agree with me that they are guilty of exploiting Islam too.
f) To the Editor, please be a responsible Malaysian citizen and understand that the majority of Muslims in this country understand our religious doctrines well and we are required by this doctrine to implement and respect the doctrine. I am very ashamed of your [attempt] to play up something [based on] your own values by using this […] Nabila Nasir.
Hence, BRAVO to Nabila for;
1. Refusing to be bullied or intimidated by a bunch of greedy, not to mention RACIST so-called “law enforcement officers”
2. Not giving in to corruption
3. Preparing to take the blame by telling her ex-boyfriend to not pay the bribe because if anyone were to be charged, it would be her.
People like you who support these law enforcement officers (and the many like them) who constantly hide behind the name of their religion to judge (and intrude) on other people’s lives and then use it again to justify their own actions are seriously giving Islam a bad name. When I say bad, I mean to the point of being down right ridiculous.
Let’s just hope you can be the remorseful, cool cucumber (like how you are implying Nabila should be) if you or your female relatives are ever harassed by the type of law enforcement officers you are so indignantly supporting today.
Jau says
This is one awesome reply.
Awesome says
Wish i can “like” this…LOL!
onceharrased says
Fantastic comeback.
misfit says
I agree! Love your comeback!
nildia says
Thanks because you already explained what I’m trying to…I’m a Muslim as well…I admit that Nabila was guilty because she has broken the law in Islam…and committed a sin…and my brother is a police as well… so, it’s shame when a police asks for “something” from the offenders…it’s inappropriate lah…tak amanah, ok…and they were breaking the law as well…the police already knew that Nabila are guilty, why don’t they just arrest her, put her in the lockup..and call her family to pick her up, and pay for the bail..that’s what they should do…
Kong Kek Kuat says
@ nildia
You sound like you are from Iran.
By the way, who´s going to arrest the policemen who broke the law, put them in the lock-up, call their families, and have their families pay the bail to release them? Your policeman brother?
MalayinAmerica says
Who will investigate the police for being gay? I say to live and let live with gays, but these police claim to be Muslim yet wonder aloud about another man’s penis!? […]
I just hope the author washed her hands after leaving and did not touch anything!
patriotician says
What values? You mean using doctrine and threatening the concerned party with the illicit gain of RM500 is guarding good values? Making fun of others with obnoxious remarks on ethnicity is considered good behaviour by the moral police? Law enforcers should educate perpetrators to make them realise their wrongdoing, rather than take advantage of their offence for illicit gain and abuse.
kokiez says
[…] Haswandi. 1. Assuming Nabila Nasir is a Muslim, she did break religious [law] by [committing] khalwat and [for] kissing a non-muhrim man. THAT MEANS IF SHE KISSES A MUSLIM, IT IS NOT KHALWAT? WHY did the police ask for money to settle if [they] are not dirty? [They] just wanted to make some money out of her!
Brown says
Haswandi, if this has nothing to do with religion, but harrassment, would you think differently? Or if your religion does not have this kind of doctrine, will you think differently? Why ask people for money? If they are really in the wrong, then, charge them. By asking for money and not giving a receipt, it is the money they are after, after all. Don’t you think that by siding with these officers, you are condoning their actions and next time, it will be something they cook up and not something people did. About the girl not bringing the I.C. the Officers did not even know that.
Brown says
Do you think that the police officers are very moral themselves by refering to people’s breast and penis? This is uncalled for. If you are a woman, it is shameful to you that you agree about the officer’s behaviours. The officers who wants to impose moral standards on others are not moral themselves. Don’t you think these officers should be fined instead for harrassment? And demanding money is not bribery to you because there is no physical harm. If they did not give him, physical harm will come. Maybe you have not met with this kind of situation. If you continue to side with these people, one day it may be your turn. Isn’t demanding for money against Islamic principles?
Paul for Democrcy says
I think that the police force should be renamed “Polis Di-(something else)” so long as it is not “Di Raja”. Maintaining “Di Raja” is an insult to the King of this Country!
Do not forget that they (members of “The Force” ) have only recently been given a massive increase in monthly salary.
Awesome says
Bad habits die hard, my friend.
onceharrased says
I think we should just switch it to Polis Raja Di Malaysia
Muslim Voter says
Don’t worry, come GE13 they can kiss their ass forever! Insya’Allah, we will show them who we are…that [is] our promise.
Sean Chiew says
Miss Nasir, I have great respect for you to challenge the horrible people who tried to put you down. What you did, although is smaller scale, is similar to what Rosa Parks did for the African American back in the days where blacks were treated as second class citizen. Miss Parks refused to give up her seat in a bus to a white passenger because she believed she has the same rights as anyone else. Miss Nasir, I applaud you for being a strong headed woman and I hope there are more women like you around.
haswandi says
What did Miss Nasir do that earn your respect?
She has broken the law of this country and the law of her own religion! Those are the facts. Are we supposed to condone these kinds of actions? Did you just say that you are going to applaud people who [get] without [their] ICs and [who break] the syariah law and then make a big fuss [about] the police?
Josh says
Funny. Why didn’t you make a fuss about the police? You can blame the guy for caving in to their demand, but is taking a bribe not a sin under your religion? Why did you only pick on the girl? You think you are morally superior to her, don’t you? Will this self-righteousness get you to heaven?
Saya Juga Melayu says
While it is a little insulting to compare Miss Nasir’s rightly earned contempt towards our moral guardians to Rosa Parks’ defiance against the universally unjust Apartheid, many educated, and not necessarily liberal Malay [Malaysians] are more than justified to take offence to any kind of intrusion into their mores and life choices.
What more when these self-elected moral guardians themselves display abhorrent, hypocritical behaviour? What qualifies them to even BE enforcers? Clean moral slate? Fail. I doubt they are well versed in Fiqah either. These people do nothing to improve their OWN spiritual acumen, much less others.
And they don’t contribute to our GDP in any way. Had you been a non-Muslim, would you have approved of your tax dollars funding SPM-less self-righteous mobs going around snooping into people’s private lives?
At the end of the day, what you choose to practice and believe is between you and God. Was it not written in the Quran itself that ‘God is closer to you than your jugular’?
Newbie says
What Ms [Nabila] did or did not do is between her and God. Who are we mere mortals to judge? Have you not sinned before my friend?
mkm says
Don’t be such a holy-moly dupe here. If you think you’re such a saint and holy, that you’re now a great religious figure, the truth is you’re not. Who gives you the right to question who we like or not? Each to his own!
haswandi says
Fortunately, God has given me a clear conscience to make a judgement that whoever seems to have broken the law shall be subjected to the course of the law. The subject has broken the law so what is the choice we have??
I did not claim to be holy or a saint but I choose to defend the rule of law from being manipulated by people who just like to talk about freedom of speech but are very “quick” to jump […] when other people have different opinions from them.
Ara says
Haswandi, people like you is why a problem like this arises in the first place. A struggling multiracial nation like Malaysia does not need [people] like you. You are preposterous to mix your radical thinking with freedom of speech. If you are harnessing ‘freedom of speech’ like you’ve said, then you shouldn’t have a problem with Nabila Basir and others who are rooting for her with regards to moral judgement and ethical reasoning.
Oi Mun says
I understand your concern that people are aiming to discredit Islam. But can you agree that:
1) Nabilah should be given due process of law in both our parallel legal systems;
2) Her ex-boyfriend should face the criminal corruption charges;
3) The three police [officers] should face criminal charges too.
So we have three possible guilty parties here.
mua jei says
The fact is the action is morally wrong. Can’t you understand that. I don’t want my children to wrongly understand that it is alright to do that in public.
Jau says
Morally wrong to kiss another human being in public? Or defending yourself to corruption, racism and intolerance?
I’d love to go back to the 60s and 70s in Malaysia where things were just so much more liberal, and there were less people pointing fingers and less disapproving, big brother type rules.
faith04 says
The young couple did not disturb anybody by kissing; it’s a way of showing love and affection. Don’t all people hug and kiss each other to express their love? Please stop moral policing and instilling hypocritical teachings. Religion is supposed to uplift human deeds and values by teaching about love, faith and hope, not set rigid rules and regulations.
common says
Helloooo…if u guys look deep into every religion, it is a sin to bribe, to kiss, to touching, even to take pork. Just dig in, ok. Not only for Islam or [Judaism], even inside the Bible itself it is written no pork please. Plus, only TOUCH those to whom you are married. Dig on! [The] world [is] really near [the] end!
Lisa says
Wow, wouldn’t life be much much simpler that way? I get what you are trying to say but you are certainly wrong. Because in this case, it is not just Islam that forbids you from touching people whom you aren’t married to. The BIBLE says it too, in fact almost every other religion out there believes in the same thing, no pre-marital sex, no touching, no consensual sex, etc.
“….not set rigid rules and regulations.” It’s funny how ‘Islam’ is almost always perceived as a religion that’s very rigid, and have strict rules that we need to abide too. When the truth is, every religion is bound to be rigid and strict, it’s just a matter of you choosing to follow it or not.
Yee says
“When the truth is, every religion is bound to be rigid and strict, it’s just a matter of you choosing to follow it or not.”
You got a point. Note that the point that everybody has been arguing about is moral policing. Religion is a personal matter between you and God and no holier-than-thou moral guardians should tell and forcefully restrict us what and how should we carry ourselves.
peter says
I whole-heartedly agree from personal experience that Chinese penis is very tasty 🙂
Go Nabila! Don’t listen to these morally-bankrupt-but-trying-to-be-superior […]. If someone broke a law (i don’t even think it’s a law) that is ridiculously stupid and needs to be repealed, by all means do!
dr. K says
I really have no idea why you are only highlighting Ms. Nasir’s faults. Just because you know she’s a Muslim and she’s done wrong, you quickly slam her for her behaviour. Who are you to judge? In all your comments, you never touched on the topic of the police taking bribes or extorting from them. So now the police could do wrong and you say nothing of it? Your evaluation/judgement of wrong doings is very biased. Shame on you. You too have condemned [other] Malay[-Muslim Malaysians] with your lack of knowledge in terms of religion and moral values.
Awesome says
He should join the useless religious police force…where khalwat is strongly prohibited but extortion is highly recommended.
Chong Kim Yew says
The police are guardians to the civil law. Not Syariah law. There is no civil/secular/constitutional law that disallows Muslims from doing these things.
All these rules you quote are based on Islamic values and laws of which jurisdiction is given to the Syariah authorities. Not the PDRM. PDRM has no authority over Syariah law. That is clear. Even then, why do you feel it is necessary for there to be a moral police telling Muslims what to do? What right does anyone have over someone else’s personal conscience and thought? Is she hurting you? What if she was a Shia Muslim and not a Sunni. Are you going to get the police to arrest her as well?
Yes Nabila broke Islamic law but that is besides the point. The police had no jurisdiction whatsoever to arrest her based on the ‘alleged’ Islamic crime.
And it is clear that the police officers involved had only one aim and that was to blackmail the couple to bribe. That is the point of this story. Muslims drink and gamble and have sex all the time. Prostitution is a controlled industry in this country – controlled by the police. I don’t see you making a fuss about it. Give me a break, Haswandi. Not everyone is a Muslim just because their identity card states that they are Islam from birth and have no personal choice.
No compulsion in Islam? Really now?
Veronica Shunmugam says
As a person of multi-faith, race and, language background, I’ve always been sickened by the way Malaysian officialdom forces everything through sharp-edged racial sieves and how they do it for crass reasons. I’ve always had to fight inside to check a temper, telling myself that a cool head manages these situations better (and I am quite proud of having cultivated a more level-headness now).
But, reading this article just makes my blood boil; memories of my sisters’/girlfriends’ stories of police racial and sexual harassment, the sense of powerlessness against corrupted authorities, the suffocating feeling of being a non-Muslim, non-Bumiputera good friend (let alone, romantic partner) to a Malay Muslim and having to deal with such a rise in the fraying of inter-faith and -racial bonds.
It’s sickening that Nabila and her partner had to go through all that. I know a good number of readers familiar with the niceties of the Malaysian police will breathe a sigh of relief that her partner took the calm approach. But, inside, I yell, kick and bitch-slap alongside with her, almost cursing that I can’t resort to foul words on this site.
Thank you, Nabila, for sharing your experience and courage.
amir says
“blow by blow account…”
Shanon sungguh nakal!
Farouq Omaro says
Unfortunately, not many people have the courage like Nabila Nasir. A very brave woman indeed, it’s a shame though that her ex decided to pay RM500.
m.k. says
Those cops should be ashamed of themselves. As for Nabila, her relationship with any man is strictly private. I admire her honesty and frankness; basic requirements of a good journalist. Well-done gal!!!
Andrew I says
Stir fried or steamed?
You should have asked them to try one. Nothing beats experience.
Merah Silu says
I am horrified. And ashamed. Is this the kind of behaviour that we would like to promote? Is this the kind of new generation that we would like to develop in the future?
Yes, we don’t like the behaviour of the enforcement officers. Yes, we should not promote corruption. Yes, we don’t like our new generation to think that they can get away with their offences by bribing the officers.
But most of all, we can not promote this young lady as having the guts to stand against the enforcement. This is really memalukan!! Yes, we can not [sweep] everything under the carpet. Yes, we understand that it is happening everywhere. But this is not the way to guide our [younger] generation!
Ming says
Is this another adult-versus-rebel-kids or I-should-be-respected-because-I-am-adult case? Instead of condemning Nabila for her retort, the officer should have shown a better example to [youths by not asking] that question in the first place. Hello adults, lead by examples, lah…
Kong Kek Kuat says
Hey [Merah Silu],
It is happening everywhere lah. There is no need to sweep everything under the carpet. Even my neighbour, a Malay [Malaysian] girl is doing it. She once told me that she and member-member dia suka Cina, especially the Korean-looking types. Dia pulak kate jantan-jantan Melayu memalukan.
Anonymous Coward says
This is a problem that can be solved by good parenting. Why would you want to put disproportionate powers in some arbitrary group of people? It’s a slippery slope that leads to abuse as demonstrated by these enforcement officers.
Awesome says
And you want her to respect those “police officers” [who]:
1. Refused to show their ID, which is the FIRST thing they should do.
2. Extort money from an innocent foreigner..cuti cuti Malaysia.
3. Sexually harass her?!!?!?
Wow, moral compass my friend. Where is yours?
stewoolf says
As a non-Muslim Malaysian, I am confused.
1. Was that a valid khalwat case??
2. Is the article about moral policing or police corruption??
3. Any other ways to settle it beside the typical pay-off Malaysian-style??
Maybe TNG should solicit contributions to tackle a particular topic more in depth. Let’s put our money [where] our mouths are, toward a better Malaysia.
Thanks TNG. Keep it up, Shanon!
Jamil (a Malaysian) says
I recently had an experience in Cyprus when crossing from the Turkish side to the Greek side – I was harassed, hassled, shouted at, roughed up by the Greek Cypriot police because I had entered from the Turkish side and this was considered ‘occupied Cyprus’. On challenging the police officer and reminding him that he is a servant of the public and therefore had a duty to treat the public with respect and courtesy, I went on to ask him politely, ‘Sir, may I have your name and number’. At this point he started to grovel and squirm. He extended his hand in friendship and said lets forget the whole thing. The end result is: I was allowed to cross into Greek Cyprus without an entry stamp! This presented other problems on exit. That’s another story.
Stand up for your rights and challenge the Executive. We pay their wages and sustain them. Don’t let them forget that and don’t let them get away with it.
PS. The Greek Cypriot police do not carry firearms whereas the Polis di Raja do. This would definitely put a different complexion on my approach!
Anonymous Coward says
Well, what do you expect? It IS “occupied Cyprus”. No country in the world recognizes Turkish Cyprus except, well, Turkey. Of course the Greeks were pissed.
That said, he handled it nicely and you didn’t get into any significant troubles.
Lee says
I feel your pain. I had a Malay [Malaysian] girlfriend once upon a time. And we had something real special. However our relationship was always burdened by fear and secrecy. I couldn’t really hold her hand, go on a holiday or show any form of affection in public. Everything had to be done ninja like. It didn’t help [that] her father was a prominent figure in Parliament. Love has no boundaries. But in Malaysia apparently it does.
mkat says
This account exposes what a SHAM the likes of JAKIM and their self-righteous “moral policing” have become.
Far from “advising the youth to obey the tenets of Islam” these people are encouraging them to sin even more(!) by enticing them to pay bribes of RM300-500 and some even sexually harass the ladies (as in the case of the GRO who was humiliated while relieving herself).
Pathetic Islam-as-I-say-tion at its worst!
Why is it the likes of […] never seem to realise that moral policing as practiced in Islamic countries always comes with a huge double standard. Teenagers and kampung boys and girls are busted for “khalwat” while the likes of [politicians and their aides …] get off scott free for sexual misconduct or drinking. […] Or Bung Mohktar who insulted the whole concept of Islamic marriage and gets off with a slap on the wrist.
Shocking and disgusting. But Muslims in this nation have learnt that it is never right to question the status quo because “Big Brother” always knows best.
Saya Juga Melayu says
Amen to that. The people who unquestioningly abide by their [dictates] are just as ignorant and responsible for how much sway these equally ignorant and uneducated religious authorities hold over their lives.
That has always been a problem with the majority of Asian cultures – a cultural artifact of the days of the maharajas. The big man’s always right. Malaysians need to learn to hold figures of authority accountable for all their actions and publicly voice their dissent. Not just on internet forums and newsgroups.
Catherine says
In a multicultural society, it is still relatively rare to see Malay-Chinese [Malaysian] couples. Perhaps it is not only the ignorant Majlis Agama which still holds a negative view on interracial coupling since it takes two to tango after all.
Having dated a Kelantan Chinese professional footballer once, I must say he was far more a gentleman than any Malay [Malaysian] men I have encountered. His Bahasa Malaysia was excellent with the loghat Kelantan to boot that could melt any Malay [Malaysian] girl’s heart.
Jau says
To haswandi,
Unfortunately, this country has people […], supporting suppression, intolerance, censorship and unfounded racism. The problem with this country (that a lot of the time, I find unfortunate to call home) is that our government and our laws are focused much to much on religion – and mainly the promotion of one religion and the oppression of all the other religions that exist.
[…] who are you to judge?
This country has NO religious freedom for Muslims who are BORN into it. They have NO choice whether or not to become another religion or become an atheist. [Why can’t] Malaysia have more tolerance? Forcing non-Muslims to convert to the Muslim faith just because they are getting married? They certainly don’t do that in Indonesia.
What you are promoting is a communist, Big Brother state where all our actions are being controlled by the powers that be, with NO freedom of speech, will and most of all, love. The more you speak like this and think like this, the more this country will be drained of any sort of expression and diversity. Who is to say that the power of the people cannot change laws? It is just that there is too much fear, corruption and backward thinking that blocks it from happening. The 60s were so much freer than we are today in this country.
To Merah Silu,
Did you ever stop to think that bribing the police officers was the only way they could get out of the situation? Did you ever stop to think that the ONLY way this country can change for the better is if the “younger” generation you’re complaining about can have a voice?
I applaud Nabila for standing up to her rights [as] a human being. After her terrible treatment from the cops (asking her personal questions and commenting on her breasts and asking her a ridiculous and RACIST question about STOOPING so low to date a Chinese [Malaysian] man), I think she showed great self-control. In any other country (where people actually have freedom and rights), she would be able to report these […] to a higher power for human rights violations.
Do you think we, as the younger generation, should just bend over and take whatever we [are] given, especially when we’re given a pile of steaming turd? I don’t think so.
haswandi says
To Mr Jau,
You are completely true that the government is promoting one religion. Why? Islam is the official religion of this country and if you want to change that, go to Parliament.
But you are also completely wrong to say that the government is oppressing other religions. As long as they follow the rules. Likewise in New York, you can not just “build up” mosques anywhere. Are you saying the US government is also practicing religious oppression?
Jau says
I am not only saying that the government only promotes one religion – but promotes one race as well. Most of the time, it’s about how the Malay [Malaysian] race is more superior and can get many benefits just because of their race and not their religion. I have had friends who are half-British and half-Malay (and hence Muslim) who have gotten bullied and tormented from other Malay [Malaysian] kids JUST because they LOOK white and are told many times that they don’t belong in Islam because they are white. Ignorance?
I wouldn’t be far from the truth by saying that the government is oppressing other religions – they make it difficult. And I would say that there are parts of the US that oppress religions other than Christianity.
Our laws should reflect society and society in Malaysia is made up of different types of people. Governments should be pushing the agenda of the betterment of the people and not pushing the agenda of their religion. Have you ever heard of the fact that in a true democracy that STATE and RELIGION should be separated?
All I want to say here is that intolerance and lack of education in religion is what is tearing communities apart. And it’s this close-mindedness that is preventing this country from moving forward and it is also what is driving people away.
Chong Kim Yew says
And where did you get that about NY not building mosques? Or all over the USA and the western world? You are naive and just plain ignorant. In the Western world you are given the right to practice Islam. You are treated as an individual. In Islamic countries, you are oppressed because Islam is “OFFICIAL”. Prove me otherwise, mate.
The US constitution makes sure that every citizen has a right to profess whatever religion they want. What are you on about?? This country makes it hard for non-Muslims to practice their religion. On purpose. But you as the privileged bunch of course don’t know that. You only hear about Muslims getting oppressed even though banyak benefits and everything works in your favour in this country.
No mosques? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mosques_in_the_United_States
Just google it la. See how many NEW mosques there are all over the western world. And compare with how many new non-Muslim places of worship there are in Islamic countries. I guarantee you it’s better to be a Muslim in the western world than to be one in Malaysia.
What about building churches and new temples in this country?
What’s that? Mazu, Sabah? Section 13 Shah Alam? No permit? Riot? Marah?
Give me a break and stop playing the oppressed faith. And by the way, keep your faith to yourself.
I say again. Just because it says Islam on your IC , it does not make you a Muslim. And just because your faith is the official one in this country, it does not make you master of all.
Awesome says
Well said my bro! *like*
Yee says
Another full round applause from me! You are truly one of the many voices of reason over here LOL
Lisa says
“In the Western world you are given the right to practice Islam. You are treated as an individual. In Islamic countries, you are oppressed because Islam is “OFFICIAL”. Prove me otherwise, mate.”
Sure, you are given a right to profess whatever religion they want, but how POSITIVE or SURE are you, that we (Muslims abroad) are given a chance to actually show it?
This comment actually hit me hard, because YOU have no idea what it feels like to be a MUSLIM WOMAN with the hijab on, but 99% of the time have to take it off and be humiliated in front of hundreds of people in public places. I cannot tell you my friend, the number of times I’ve been detained in airports and have been forced to take off my hijab when checking in or out at immigration points. You have no idea.
Yee says
I am sorry if you had ever been oppressed simply because of your faith. However, be advised that taking off your hijab in airport is solely for security reasons. You have every right to wear it back as soon as security check is over. Frankly, I have a friend who used to work in an airport and they occasionally discover contraband hidden within the hijab. Nothing personal, really. Perhaps the officers should had done that in your own privacy instead.
Nigel says
Well done Cik Nabila.
We need to have the balls to do stuff like this.
As for religion, while my understanding that this is “against” Islam but who decides what is right or wrong? Furthermore, I believe there is no compulsion in Islam. If Nabila decides how to live her life is good, then so be it. Who are we to tell her that it’s wrong (as long as she doesn’t murder anyone, or go around commiting crimes). Her personal life is HER business and no one elses. INCLUDING THE STATE!
This MORAL POLICING is insidious, divisive, hateful and sets us ALL apart. For those muslims in this thread who believe that we SHOULD be policed then let me ask you this; are you not mature enough to conduct your own lives so much so that you need a “big brother” to tell you what to do AND make it an official crime? That’s what it amounts to. Where does it end?
I love the irony and sarcasm that drips from the reply though; “Delicious, and I love it!” 😉 If we could bottle it and sell it, gay men in New York never need utter another thing. All they’d need to do is open the bottle and let that line through.
Simon Keith says
Thumbs up!
MalayinAmerica says
Any Muslim that needs the police to make sure they are act morally is no Muslim at all. If morality depends on the police, we can be sure there will be no morality and no Islam. Morality becomes a thing which is only followed when one sees the police around. Just like a child will only do homework if they know their parents are watching!
Nabila Nasir says
Certain Malaysian Muslims need to free themselves from the fundamentalist thinking [where] very word of the Quran [is believed taken] in the literal sense and adherence to all rules [is done] without thought, reasoning and perception of change.
Unfortunately, there’s only a minority of progressive Muslims who realize that the glory of Islam does not rest in who quotes the Quran best and interprets in the way they want, but those who see the real teaching of Islam; a religion of peace, protection and involvement in life.
Sometimes I feel angry when I hear Muslims attacking other Muslims over meager details like how they don’t wear the hijab and professing [to be] more Islamic for doing so.
It is no longer about faith but [it] becomes a holier-than-thou competition to see who appears to be more Islamic. These are the fundamentalists who make a big fuss about separate paying lines in banks and supermarkets, and over women [who wear] lipstick.
Society needs to [understand] that believing that Islamic law is more just doesn’t make it so. [There is] wishful thinking about Islamic law and jurisprudence, but in reality, no Islamic syari’a is a defense against corruption and crime. There is no God’s law on earth, but man’s, both in definition and execution.
The biggest problem with modern Muslims in Malaysia is how they surrender their cognitive faculties to religion without questioning the relevance.
Most Muslim groups here in Malaysia speak as if religion is the only authority on morals and morality. They speak as if religion has monopolised all the “good” teachings.
Newsflash: THEY DON’T.
I didn’t share this story to be KL’s official slut. I didn’t share it to propagate pre-marital sex or impose my beliefs on others. Nor did I do it to declare how un-Islamic I am.
I did it because I believe more Malaysians should know what other Malaysians go through, they should know about their rights, and that there is strength in numbers.
I am saddened by the mysoginistic and narrow-minded replies in this thread, [and] I am humbled by the support and encouragement.
And I thank Shanon as well as The Nut Graph team for this eye-opening, deeply moving series.
Edi Mat Diah says
“There is no God’s law on earth, but man’s, both in definition and execution.”
Do you realised what you’ve just said?
You think you are so liberal, don’t you?
Well, my advice is, you should either repent immediately, or renounce Islam all together…
Anyway, best of luck in whichever way you choose.
Awesome says
“Well, my advice is, you should either repent immediately, or renounce Islam all together…”
Do you realize what you just did? Wou judged her. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE HER?! you are not God!
Haikal Mustafa says
To Awesome,
Edi Mat Diah is entitled to comment on Ms Nabila Nasir’s statement. Her statement showed that she doesn’t understand Islam, the basic fundamental of being a Muslim is to submit to GOD. Thus as a fellow Muslim, Mr Edi was obliged to advise her; repent or renounce.
I really like to use Surah Al-Kafirun in this argument for non-Muslims and to remind other Muslim not to be afraid to uphold the Islamic tenets:
Say, “O disbelievers,
I do not worship what you worship.
Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.
Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.
Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.
For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.”
If Ms Nabila believe she cannot follow the Islamic teaching, the best thing is for her to leave this country since she will be prosecuted if she become apostate in Malaysia.
Awesome says
Haikal Mustafa,
Do you submit to God every second of your life? I highly doubt it. Who has not done wrong before God?
Ms Nabila is entitled to her own opinion as every “law” given is subject to people’s interpretation. Should women wear the hijab or not? Why don’t some? Interpretation. Can you wear makeup? Why don’t all Muslims in this country cover their whole face like the Arabs? Are you not under the same syariah law?
“If Ms Nabila believe she cannot follow the Islamic teaching, the best thing is for her to leave this country since she will be prosecuted if she become apostate in Malaysia.”
Why must she be “prosecuted” if she becomes an apostate? Are you going to stone her? Isn’t Allah the one who judges, and not you all? Who are you to judge her? Why are you so paranoid about people leaving your religion? I don’t see Buddhists, Christians, Hindus prosecuting their apostates?
Yee says
I agree with you, Ms Nabila. In Malaysia, a great majority of Malaysian Muslims are still engulfed in the sick trend of religious exhibitionism. Liberals are instead deemed as extremists. Objective thinking is almost nonexistent. What’s even worse is that such a sickening trend transcends political affliation, which means whether BN or the opposition rules, we may still be facing the same old racial/religious extremism […] Forget about Israel, forget about Singapore, forget about secret societies. Unless the people themselves become more accepting and open-minded, Malaysia is bound for destruction by its own people.
Anonymous Coward says
Always remember, race 1st, religion 2nd and Malaysian 3rd.
This is the mentality that will forever put us in 3rd world mentality.
dr. K says
Malay [Malaysians] will make judgment and rules based on race and culture first. These two elements influence how religious rules are made or are interpreted by them. To make matters worse, these two elements influence on how the current old mentality leaders think. We must free ourselves from these two elements so as to come to better, more logical, sensible and thinking.
Jau says
That is so true. That is what I’m trying to say to some of the naysayers here on the comments… very well put.
Peter says
Nabila Nasir is one gutsy lady who stands her ground for what she believes in. She follows up with this real-life interview without the need to be anonymous. For me, that is reason enough to applaud her.
In this day and age, we need more people who can think critically and make statements, rather than people who merely conform and become like drones (which is what the authority wants and we have an abundance of).
Was she going against the law, syariah or otherwise? No, because they weren’t even formally charged with a crime and/or arrested.
py says
I bet you will be criticised by certain people. That’s life, at least you have voiced out. And we know about it. [The] truth counts.
Suzan says
While I sympathise with my Muslim friends like Nabila, who are subjected to such hypocritical & disgusting moral policing, I cannot condone her ex-boyfriend paying off the cops. Please do not encourage corruption!
Syed A. says
So it is OK for these “religious” people to lie/be evasive about being with the “Jabatan Agama”, act like thugs, threaten, insult, and demand bribes vs. someone who is showing her affection for another human being without hurting anyone? Who is more evil in the eyes of your Allah?
danny leebob says
Recently, I have switched from white sugar to brown sugar. It smells good, it is natural, wholesome and it keeps you healthy. And most of all, it is DELICIOUS.
Ding Jo-Ann says
I was momentarily taken aback upon reading the interview title, then I imagined how Ms Nabila Nasir and others in her position would have felt upon being asked such a horrible question in person. I think this incident highlights a glaring incident of rudeness on the part of person in power. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of moral policing, it is unacceptable for public authorities to behave with such arrogance in the name of “doing their job”.
shana says
If that happens to me, I will surely say the same thing too. Bravo!! I tabik u!! 😀
korin says
Oh yea, betul ke, kalau tak suka Malaysia janganlah sampai fitnah polis, pegilah tinggal di negara lain.
Simon Keith says
[…] that’s why Malaysia is pathetic and hopeless, never [able to] face the truth.
A. Robben says
‘And then they said, “There’s no more shame in this world when Malay [Malaysian] girls can stoop to dating Chinese [Malaysian] men.” ‘
As if what they were doing were anything to be proud of: Harassment, abuse of power, soliciting a bribe. Will the officers ask themselves how they can stoop to such despicable behaviour?! Tcheh!
Lainie Yeoh says
Shame on the officials, and kudos to Nabila, for being brave, knowing her rights, and standing up for them in the face of such corrupt, racist individuals.
Alley Bubba says
Using the same logic, Jais then should act the same on morally wrong and equally haram offence of rasuah, especially the practice of Ali Baba projects which similarly involve crooked pacts by Malay-Chinese [Malaysian] business[persons]. And this rasuah Ali Baba practice has caused even bigger leakage and losses of billions of wang rakyat.
MJC says
Wow… I really didn’t think that there was such racist people in this country, but i guess it’s true.
This is another debate altogether, but I’m sorry about the fact that many of the billions lost is because of the present ruling government, […].
Billions have been lost from funding the royal families’ […]. Billions have been lost and gone into the pockets of people who are in power – royalty, politicians etc. Have they ever been called up for any sort of ethical, moral questioning?
Don’t go pointing fingers at Chinese [Malaysian] businessmen.
jonathan says
We live a new generation where kissing in public shouldn’t be an issue, it is an act of love and emotion. It’s fascinating that this country, which is expanding in so many ways, can still instill such stupid rules. Islam is a beautiful religion, but this country is screwing it up by making their own rules.
The thing is, these so-called “rules” only apply to those of us who do not carry the titles of Tengku, Datuk or Tan Sri! Why? Because if you look at the essence of the entire story, these uneducated fools where just looking for some extra cash to pay for one of their BMW’s or mansions. And if they were to mess with the above mentioned “[titles] of superiority”, they would loose their jobs in an instant. Jobs [which] they don’t even do very well.
So to Haswandi. Grow some balls and try living in the 21st century because you seem to think that we’re still in the 18th. Hypocrisy won’t get you to heaven […]
Jau says
Well said, Jonathan!
haswandi says
My friend Mr Jonathan,
1)The rules that we are following are the rules of the land and if the majority of us agree to change it, then change it in the next Parliamentary sitting, not here, and not just because you think the rules don’t suit your lifestyles.
2)Unfortunately, in my beautiful Islamic teaching, kissing is not allowed between man and woman (of not “muhrim”) be it in 18th century or in 28th century. It will remain so because the law is from the Creator, not from human beings. Please respect my beliefs and I always respect others’ beliefs. But if you are Muslim you are bound in totality to adhere to the strict rules of the religion. You can not choose what you want to follow and what you don’t want to follow. That is the beauty of Islam.
Chong Kim Yew says
You cannot choose what you want to follow and what you don’t want to follow. That is the beauty of Islam.
So kenapa you sibuk kalau that girl nak cium orang Cina? she’s not as Muslim as you, so be it.
Contradicting yourself time and time again.
You say you respect other people’s beliefs but for some reason you see fit to judge Nabila because she’s not as religious as you.
haswandi says
Saudara Chong Kim Yew,
1)You quoted my statement out of context. If you are a Muslim then follow the religious rules and regulations, before you want to speak about the religion. In simple analogy, if you want to play soccer, do not insist to play with a tennis ball and make a huge cry of being discrimaination. You either follow the rules or quietly play with the tennis ball on your own or don’t play at all.
2)If she want to kiss an African or an Eskimo by all means go ahead BUT don’t make a scene in public [by] trying to tell or write in a public forum. As a Muslim saya menyibuk disini disebabkan Miss Nabila clearly [disclosed] her name, [going by] which in this country [it is presumed] she is a Muslim and is try to make a mockery of the Islamic syariah law of the land. Itu yang saya menyibuk. Kalau dia cium and keep it to herself, that is her business.
3)In Muslim teaching, those in power have the authority to enforce the law accordingly. Kissing in public is prohibited to all Muslims, irrespective of whether you are religious or not.
4)I respect other people’s differing views on Islam, and in fact there are different schools of thought in Islam in practising and interpreting what the prophet and God said, for example in on how to run Islamic banking. But there are basic teachings which are commonly agreed among the mazhab and very clearly stated and not open for futher deliberation…for example kissing bukan muhrim.
So I am not the Judge Dredd that you are looking for….I am muslim just doing my responsibility to defend and to tell the truth about my religion since somebody with a muslim name has written here telling everyone about her “kissing” experience.
ben says
I am somewhat surprised – wait, or am I? – that you cannot seem to fathom that the issue at hands is not religious, but is regarding the state of the police: their behaviour, alleged abuse of authority etc.
I am curious on your standpoint regarding that. Assuming what you say is true, even if Ms Nabila did break religious laws, does she and her ex-boyfriend deserve to suffer and bribe the police silently? Is their right to make this situation known stripped from them as well?
Haikal Mustafa says
To Chong Kim Yew,
What do you mean “she’s not as Muslim as you, so be it.”?
Ms Nasir is a Muslim, so it’s a sin for her to kiss someone who’s not Muhrim (please google it).
It doesn’t matter whether you are religious or not, it’s an obligation for other Muslims to advise his/her fellow Muslim.
You don’t understand ‘amar ma’ruf, nahi mungkar’. If you are a Malaysian citizen i would presume you’ve heard this before. Even YB Lim Guang Eng used this statement.
Fikri says
Dear En Haswandi,
You don’t get it, do you? Your law of the land was abused by people who cloaked themselves with religion, used in a blatant manner to sexually harass a young woman (who did with her boyfriend what any person in her age would do), extortion, plus racist comments. Jadi adakah perbuatan Cik Nabila (yang awak kata salah) membatalkan kesalahan orang-orang ini, hanya kerana mereka melakukan semua ini atas nama Tuhan?
And yeah, I do hate this so-called khalwat law. Why? Becasue it’s hypocritical. Kenapa orang miskin and middle-class je yang jadi mangsa undang-undang khalwat? If you want to talk about fairness of law, them get them all. But the fact is, rich people who have illicit sex in star hotels don’t go through this whole ‘divine’ harassment. Because apparently, divine law is inferior to hotel policy.
If this is the case, then why bother doing it at all? In all your comments, do you not realise that it only perpetuates the image of Islam as a woman-hating faith (watch Perempuan Berkalong Sorban, and I hope you’ll understand this whole issue). It’s these comments that make beautiful Islam look ugly in front of other people, and we still have the cheek to be angry when the Western media portrays us as misogynistic, intolerant primitives?
Stop getting your misogynistic rules from Al-Qaeda and read progressive Muslims scholars that actually use their brains (Khaled Abou El-Fadl, Hamka, Dr Asri Zainul Abidin) and not an iron fist to harass people to the path of God.
Agnello says
I think the beauty of this multicultural society is mutual respect of other people’s sensitivities. I think the title of the article itself is very provocative to Malay [Malaysians]. I share some views here that the way the lady responded to the interview does not represent the “normal” and “good” Malay girl. A good Muslim girl would not have responded in that manner, even though she had already committed a sin in the eye of her religion. Let us pray according to our own faiths that Nabila will regain her senses and adhere to her religious doctrines for a good lifestyle.
Anonymous Coward says
“A good Muslim girl would not have responded in that manner, even though she had already committed a sin in the eye of her religion.”
You mean, the ones who would get cowed by inconsistent, harassing moral-policing? The ones who would then commit further sin by bribing the officers?
This society is simply too focused on sex, permitted or otherwise. For a society that supposedly frowns upon sex and its associated acts, we simply think about it too much. I get that YOU think it’s wrong that this girl is engaged in such behaviors but I feel that as she is an adult, she’s allowed to make her own decisions and to deal with the consequences that arise.
Honestly, why do people care so much about what other people do in the privacy of their own home and property? I feel that this sort of thing should not be policed because it leads to abuse of power. It’s inherent in the system.
We care so much about moral/sex policing but we do not give a care that our leaders and enforcement officers are taking bribes, which is — in my opinion — a bigger sin and crime. How does two people having sex affect you? It doesn’t, unless you live in the same house and you can’t stand the sound.
Edi Mat Diah says
Dear [Anonymous] Coward,
A good Muslim girl would not have responded in that manner, even though she had already committed a sin in the eyes of her religion…simple as that.
Doesn’t matter if the bribe incident gets inserted in the story. It is simply …”A good Muslim girl would not have responded in that manner, even though she had already committed a sin in the eye of her religion”
Where have you been by the way, huh [Anonymous] Coward?
Jau says
The point of the story is the fact that she and her ex were extorted of money!! And that moral policing itself is a corrupt exercise in this country, where fear is used to extort money from people.
A good Muslim man would not have sexually and racially harassed two young people by using dirty language and morally bullying people. A good Muslim man would not have asked for a bribe.
Edi Mat Diah says
The points of the story my friend, are as follows:
1. Ms Nabila used to date a Chinese [Malaysian] bloke, and one day made out in a car somewhere in a public place.
2. Ms Nabila got busted by a team of officers of Polis DiRaja Malaysia, who ‘suddenly’ arrived in an official police car, conveniently accompanied by a religious officer.
3. Without proof whatsoever, Ms Nabila nevertheless suspected that the guy was a phony religious officer.
4. Ms Nabila lost her temper when she heard the word ‘khalwat’ mentioned.
5. Ms Nabila ‘kicked up a fuss’ a number of times, every time of which, her Chinese boyfriend got ‘roughed-up’?
6. An officer at the police station (presumably the same one who was in the raiding party) asked Ms Nabila and her Chinese [Malaysian] boyfriend an amount of exactly RM500 to settle the issue.
7. Ms Nabila shocked an officer into silence by expressing her enjoyment of her boyfriend’s genitals […] because she was bugged by a series of cheeky questions.
8. Ms Nabila contemplated that she would resist any PDRM officers if they dare to raid one of her parties.
The point is my friend, she shouldn’t have chosen this story to demonstrate her point…
Jau says
I suggest that you read up on journalism and points of stories.
The whole series [is about] how corrupt moral policing has been in this country and how even well-behaved Muslim citizens are being harassed (re: the other article in the series about the married couple). Also, please read the comments below about another woman’s experience with corrupt “moral” officials.
To answer your points:
3. She demanded identification from the alleged policemen because it is her right to do so. The fact that they didn’t produce their identifications means that she has a right to assume that they weren’t really police officers.
4. She lost her temper because they were bullying her ex boyfriend and throwing words like khalwat to him even though by definition, he can’t be charged. Don’t you see the pattern? They are bullying the other parties so that they’ll get scared and pay them.
5. How can you question the fact that her ex was roughly handled by the police? were you there? Have you personally been through the same thing?
6. They didn’t ASK them. They DEMANDED it and extorted the money from them using fear as a tactic.
7. Those “cheeky” questions you mentioned were rude, racist, sexually charged and, in my opinion, were disgusting that deserved an answer that was equally disgusting to put them in their place. Why are you ignoring the fact that the policemen were in the wrong? Why are you ignoring the fact that they, and many people in this country, are racist and most of the time, hypocritical?
This story PERFECTLY demonstrates THE point (not HER point) that the whole moral policing system here is screwed.
Jau says
She sinned by kissing a Chinese [Malaysian] man in public? Ooh, the sin. And who created the rules in the first place – [hu]man[s]. Who’s enforcing the ‘laws’- [humans]. As I said in my previous comment – who are we, as [humans], to judge what is right or wrong – let God do that.
Why don’t you perhaps look at the police [officers’] actions? Harassing a young woman and her boyfriend, bullying them and being supremely racist. Is that how a good Muslim should act?
Edi Mat Diah says
This is another one…
Bro, she sinned by kissing anybody, except her muhrim and her husband (and other classes of humans clearly defined in her religion), be it in public, or in private.
You comprende?
And, no! Don’t start generalising Muslims…
Jau says
So other races are other classes of humans?
I’m sorry, but we live in modern times now, be realistic!
And where did I ever generalise Muslims? By saying that racist and sexually harassing remarks are wrong? Did the police have the right to do all those things just because she went against her religion? And the fact that they were also harassing her ex who is not Muslim is another wrongdoing altogether.
Edi Mat Diah says
Other class of humans includes:
1. Children below the age of puberty
2. (In Ms Nabila’s context) Other women
3. And maybe a few other definitions.
And it has got nothing to do with race!! What the hell are thinking, Jau?
and you asked : ‘Is that how a good Muslim should act?’
Why ‘Muslim’? why don’t you used specific words like ‘police officer’ for example?
This is generalisation, you silly…
Jau says
Edi Mat Diah:
You really don’t know what I’m trying to get at.
You said yourself she kissed another class of human – meaning another race (it wasn’t a child below puberty, it wasn’t another woman, so it must have been because he was Chinese, or would she have been harassed if he was Malay?).
I asked “is that how a good Muslim should act?” because I had already said ‘police officer’ earlier AND everyone has been throwing around the statement that Nabila is not a good Muslim girl for the way she acted. THAT is why I used that statement, not to generalise.
Awesome says
I dare you to check with all the Malay Malaysians that married people of other races, which of them never touched/kissed/hugged their spouses before marriage/conversion. If they had, then what?
You, sir, should stay on some secluded island where your own “religious” laws can be enforced. Malaysia is a multicultural country, with various religions and races. Get that into your brain please. We are all Malaysians FIRST! Religion/race second!
Zhafri Hariz says
It a disgrace to all Malay and Muslim [Malaysians]. Her response to the interview does not reflect a brave act as recommended by some commentors […]. She does not represent the normal Malay [Malaysian]. Her parents must be real upset!!
I think this article is more about the title rather than the way the enforcement officers performed their duty.
Yes, we despise the act by that particular officer in the article, however, we should not forget that the great majority of officers are genuine and sincere.
Fikri Roslan says
I am surprised that the author is Shanon, probably a Muslim. Look at the title and the publication of the way she responded in the interview. Maybe she did not mean it, or maybe she did not do it at all. The response in the interview overshadowed the objective of the article about the wrongdoing of the enforcement officers. This article is painting a bad picture of Nabila in the eyes of her religion. Again, the article confuses readers about the meaning of bravery and good behaviour of a Muslim girl.
Edi Mat Diah says
Yeah, to Shanon the author, why don’t you respond to Fikri? Please.
It’ll further shed light on your real mission in life…
dr. K says
Hey Edin,
Please stay in context. The column is on policing. What was highlighted was to shed some light to the public how policing is done. The police shouldn’t be rude and the so-called guy from Jabatan Agama should show that he is knowledgeable in the matter and approach the situation in a more diplomatic manner.
Dear readers, stay in context. The issue is not Nabila, the issue is “what is the right way in policing?”
Jau says
Thanks Dr. K for that statement of logic and sense.
ben says
I think this is something that Haswandi and certain others cannot seem to comprehend. Or perhaps they do, but the fury [caused by] the sin of a woman is so great that it clouds the sin of a nation’s police force.
pang says
Not only had Nabila Nasir to endure policemen bullying her for kissing her Chinese boyfriend, now she has to read comments on Thenutgraph telling her to repent. Are people so obsessed with micro-managing each other’s private lives because they are unable to control life and politics on the macro scale? Is moral policing a symptom of systemic disempowerment?
haswandi says
I think nowdays people are more obsessed with micro managing our police force!!
In the first place, if Nabila didn’t do what she did,she would not have trouble with the police. The next thing, she refuses to understand what is her responsibility to her religion and the most troubling thing was she wrote to this public forum to tell that she did nothing wrong! So, please see this from the right perspective instead of following the unhealthy trend nowadays of blaming everything on the police force.
Jau says
So kissing in public is against the Muslim religion? Or is it kissing a Chinese man in public?
These sorts of rules are just archaic. The focus on sex and not having sex and having the ‘right’/’normal’ type of sex is just suffocating and usually hypocritical.
This article is focused on how moral policing has gone awry, i think what Nabila did is nothing compared to what the ‘officers’ did.
pang says
The police in Malaysia is an errant force made up of people whose education is not very high, as their qualifications are a bare minimum. In other words, we have given power over to people who are uneducated, undisciplined and unexposed in their worldviews. Therefore, they need to be managed.
In most civilised countries, everytime a person is given power, there must be laws set up to prevent them from abusing their powers. In Malaysia, existing legislation aiming to prevent abuses of powers are insufficient, and more often than not, they privilege those already in power. So, who should police the police? If the state won’t do it, we have to demand it.
And Haswandi, have you sinned before? Lied to your parents? Gossiped? Lusted? Should everyone of your sins be under the jurisdiction of the police? Some of our actions may contradict religious convictions, but at the end of the day, they don’t harm anybody else. Then they should no longer be under the purview of the civil law, which is to protect innocent people, not punish them. If some of your sins which hurt nobody else escaped the dictates of the laws, then please allow Nabila the same right. She hurt nobody in kissing her ex-boyfriend, so that action remains between her, her ex-boyfriend and their beliefs. It is not between her and your beliefs.
fredi says
Don’t they feel ashamed? Wearing a police uniform and asking for money?
And the so-called plainclothes man who claimed to be an enforcer from the Jabatan Agama brought them to the police station and used such a rude phrase like “Is Chinese penis really that good?” And they are so narrow-minded. How could they relate simple kissing to a religious matter?
fredi says
And Nabila, I give you thumbs up. And it’s good to fight back. They will turn themselves into chronic state [sic] if you didn’t do anything.
Dharma says
Malaysia needs more Muslims like Nabila Nasir who have the courage to speak up and cut through the hypocrisy of those who think they are holier than everybody else. We also need more Christians, Buddhists, Hindus etc who can be as clear headed as her.
haswandi says
Dear Sir,
In my opinion, Malaysia and the whole world needs people who practise their religion in accordance to the true teaching of the religion itself.
We need true Christians like the Pope to spread the word of condemnation of the US war in Iraq so that we Muslims can throw Osama and Al-Qaeda away to the North Pole. But the problem of this world is when we have half-baked Christians [or Muslims] who [only adhere to parts of their religion] and try to suit their lifestyles to the religion. The true Hindus, Buddhist, Muslims or Christians are people who love peace, respect others, humble and God-fearing. So we will not have [people like] Nabila or the corrupt police [officers] around. All are God-fearing people.
Jau says
Yeah, god-fearing people are people who can be controlled by the powers that be. Throughout history, it has been proven that religion is used to create wars and is used to make the [elite] rich and for them to control their god-fearing minions. “If you don’t give us your tax money, you will go to hell.” [Just like] “If you don’t do what I say, you will go to hell”, [as it says in some holy books].
I noticed that you don’t even mention the Jews in your list of religions. That’s another thing I find in conflict with the majority of Muslims – the Jews are evil and there is no debating it. I thought “true, God-fearing” people are supposed to respect others?
Also, Osama and Al-Qaeda use and interpret the holy scriptures in their own way to instill fear of God into their armies. It just goes to show that people will believe the way they want to believe, no matter what.
People like Nabila are definitely not the problem. I don’t think that her kissing a non-Muslim man equates to terrorism or fire and brimstone endings.
But I guess each to their own – which is totally my point.
Ganesh says
All are God fearing people???
Dude, you need to study Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. You really do sound intellectually challenged.
Need true Christians like the Pope? “Condemnation of the US war in Iraq”
What is the relationship between the two factors? What does religion have to do with anything in this example. Yes, the US war in Iraq should be condemned but not on religious grounds but on humanitarian grounds. You really need to learn semantics.
And Pope Benedict? Do you even know his history? I don’t wanna make this a religious debate. Lets just stick to the point. Nabila is clearly on the point that the policing in this country is a joke. What she does is none of your bloody concern dude 🙂 But policing does concern you. Enough said.
Dr Syed Alwi says
Dear Readers, fellow Muslims, Nabila etc,
If you want to re-interpret Islam – there is a way of doing it. Debate Islam by all means – but please do it in a respectful, scholarly way. Not by blind defiance and mocking Islamic morality.
I myself believe that Islam needs a modern re-interpretation. But I do NOT go around creating a scene by publicly flouting Muslim rules when in Malaysia.
You have to respect the majority of Muslims in Malaysia. Please do not put Islam in bad light.
It seems to me that TNG has an agenda here. I think a lot of Malay Malaysians now doubt TNG’s credibility to speak for them.
Merah Silu says
“It seems to me that TNG has an agenda here. I think a lot of Malay Malaysians now doubt TNG’s credibility to speak for them.”
I am fully aware that many articles and comments are really against Malay [Malaysians] and Islam. They criticise Umno, in particular, as a smokescreen to ridicule Malay [Malaysians], Islam, and Malay [Malaysian] institutions including the raja-raja. These are the work of the descendants of economic-seeking immigrants in TNG to confuse the mind of younger generation of Malay [Malaysians], so that these young Malay [Malaysians] will hate anything about Malay [Malaysians], their religion and the Malay institutions.
So, the historical mistake for this country is to grant citizenship to more than one million immigrants in 1957. Otherwise, Nabila Nasir will still modern, intellectual, and responded to the interview as a good muslim girl.
Jau says
“So, the historical mistake for this country is to grant citizenship to more than one million immigrants in 1957. Otherwise, Nabila Nasir will still modern, intellectual, and responded to the interview as a good muslim girl.”
Wow… way to go with 1Malaysia here. I wonder where this country would be without all the immigrants?
Why don’t you look back into history and see how this country has developed? How many immigrants have helped this country?
I think our forefathers would be turning in their graves if they knew Malaysians were thinking this way, that it was a mistake that immigrants were allowed in.
My parents lived in a generation and a time where it was more liberal and I have heard from many of my Muslim friends’ parents that it is getting more and more conservative today.
TNG is shedding light on the wrongs that moral policing has caused. As a supposed intellectual, can’t you see that is the real point of the article? Even if someone has sinned, it does not give the ‘moral police’ the right to harass, bully and extort them.
And as response to your truly racist comment, the individuals that were bullying and harassing were Muslims themselves, and the scared young man who was being bullied into complying to their act of tyranny was Chinese [Malaysian]. I highly doubt that the Muslim police [officers] were influenced by the “immigrants” you speak of to commit those acts.
Jason Mark says
@Merah Silu
Criticising a political party does not ridicule any race, religion or head of state. A political party does not represent any race or religion in it’s entirety, though the party itself and possibly you as well, would like the rest of us to think so but unfortunately it does not. By it’s actions lately, it seems to mainly represent the wealthy and one particular gambling company.
Could you be so kind to be a bit more specific with regards to which articles are against any particular race? You’re making broad statements, without any reference, you’re making it difficult to respond to.
As for the comments, they’re made by individuals, not TNG. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and everyone is entitled to challenge each others opinions.
Also, the younger generation of Malaysians are not so easily fooled into the confusion that you’d like them to be in. If you think they’re that gullible, then you’re ridiculing them, their parents and school teachers.
weedeez says
@Merah Silu
I am appalled. That is one of the most racist comment I have ever heard.
Please don’t ever forget that the “historical mistake” this country made enabled the “economic-seeking immigrants’ descendants” help to prosper this country to where it is today.
Yes, I’m talking about the food, education, lifestyle and technology that you and your saudaras enjoy today.
You may think that issues highlighted by TNG here are against a particular race or religion. I, on the other hand, think that TNG just highlights the issues that normally gets swept under the carpet by mainstream media.
The “economic-seeking immigrants’ descendants” really can’t give a hoot about confusing the young Malays, […]. We are too busy telling our own young generation by telling them: “Don’t expect to be spoon fed. Nothing is given or comes for free. Work hard to earn your bread.”
Speak with facts and most of all RESPECT. Even Haswandi, Dr Syed Alwi and their fellow Muslims with deferring views debate their thoughts with respect. Because we all know that there is no room in this country for racism.
Awesome says
In the first place, you are an immigrant as well! Just like me! The real locals are the Orang Asli! […]
Merah Silu says
In 1983, the government chose the Australian fast growing Acacia Mangium, rather than native merantis, as the species for timber plantation in this country. Due to its rate of growth, the species became very popular and it was planted everywhere. It has been so “invasive”, and without any respect, dominates the native vegetation, and sometimes, it comes from nowhere and suddenly will appear in front your house in housing areas, whether in Klang Valley, Kuala Terengganu and even in Grik. Suddenly in 1990s, it was found that this acacia is having heart rot and cannot grow that big, and is not for good quality timber. Its wood is only good for cheap pulp and paper, and in many cases was felled for kayu api. Stick with meranti. It is a slow growth, but it grows steadily to become good quality timbers. In natural vegetation, it grows with many other native species to form a very stable ecosystem and good biodiversity. For imported species of timber plantations, use heavea, as it has many economic values, and confines to its growing areas.
Similarly in this case, should be very careful of the “attractive values” as promoted by these descendants of the economic-seeking-immigrant. Just like for those who were confused with the value of acacia mangium, these descendants would confuse the young generation of Muslims that freedom of choice including sex, bribery, gambling, as the sign of modernity. To Nabila and the officers who accepted the bribe, even though they committed a sin in the eye of Islam for khalwat or bribery, they need to recognize that what they did was wrong and a sin, and should ask for forgiveness.
That is why it is a historical mistake to grant the citizenship to these people. Their fathers, or grandfathers, were here for economic reasons. But their descendants are now using their economic power for their political mission. Just like British who drugged the Chinese to control China during the opium war, they are now poisoning the mind of young Malays, including Nabila, with these “attractive values” to achieve their political ambition. I always believe that the Malays, on their own, could make a better quality progress and ultimately will create a very dynamic bangsa. But they need to work hard as it will take a longer time, similar to the case to develop the meranti forests. And 50 years is not a long time, and more so when there are a lot of acacia trees around you.
Awesome says
Merah Silu,
Since you’re so headstrong about being the “main race” of this country, which I do not acknowledge at all because we are ALL MALAYSIANS FIRST, race second, tell me now, are you an Orang Asli? If you’re not, then you are one confused “Acacia Mangium”, because the Orang Asli are the “Meranti” of Malaysia. Get your facts right [….].
ben says
Wow, made me laugh so hard. So what you are implying is, granting us (the acacia trees pendatang) citizenship is responsible for causing Ms Nabila’s khalwat and the police’s bribery? Wow.
Yee says
Keep on living in your fantasies. The so-called acacia trees around you are more than capable of cheap pulp and paper. Improve your own species if you still want to stay in the competition, or else get eliminated.
Ganesh says
[…] To be frank, I’d vote PAS any day over Umno. Being anti-Umno is not anti-Malay. We are against their policies, misappropriation of funds, oppression of the media and anyone against the BN, etc.
On another note, the real landowners of Malaysia are the Orang Asli, not the Malays.
Shaboinq says
TNG isn’t putting Islam in a bad light. It’s the so-called law enforcers who are doing a good job of doing it anyway!
haswandi says
A very true statement indeed, but TNG chose to highlight this issue with “you know and I know” objective. We are not stupid, aren’t we???
If we want to live peacefully in this multi-religious country and we want to do our part, we should avoid discussing this provoking “title’ in a public forum, and we should find a common issue instead. Unless, like I said, you have some bad ulterior motive in which I strongly believe you have!!
Shaboinq says
Okay so sharing the experience I had with morally corrupt coppers means I have a bad ulterior motive? Am I suppose to keep quiet and pretend I wasn’t harrassed by a couple of cops JUST because I was in car with an Indian man? Shouldn’t my experience (like Nabila’s) serve as examples of the kind of people Muslim WOMEN have to deal with?
If this happened to your sister/cousin/friend, wouldn’t you be outraged? Your pleas of wanting this to be pushed under wraps remind me of people who tell rape victims it’s their fault they were raped. Unless you’ve been in the same situation and been humiliated by men of “authority”, you sir, are in no position to tell me that these things can’t be discussed in public
jetty108 says
Yes Haswandi, I am all the way with you. There must be some hidden agenda for TNG to publish this interview and let’s not fall into their trap. And to Nabila, you have done something which is fundamentally wrong but keep on dragging others into your shoes !
Adam says
TNG has indeed an ulterior motive in publicising such religious raids and confrontations but the motive is a good and noble one. In these modern times, moral policing has brought about more problems then good. Recent raids have caused a few deaths already, the most recent being a police officer in Kelantan. They need not have to die.
Would it not be better and more constructive to educate our maturing children and amorous adults on proper behavior rather than to criminalise morality? If they still do “it”, then it is between them and their families. We should not play God and try to mete out punishment for such so-called haram activities which include drinking and gambling.
Muslims in Malaysia will always be in a Catch-22 situation. They are not allowed to apostasize easily and they are being controlled in almost everything they do.
Until the day, Malaysia allows complete freedom of and from religion, we as a nation will never ever progress in most fields.
What makes a religion great is its ability to hold people willingly to the faith without force nor coercion. Think about it.
Saya Juga Melayu says
This comment again brings us back to the crux of these series of articles – lamenting the problems with the implementation of moral policing in this country, and the double standards that are adhered to.
RE: Agendas – TNG and Malaysian Insider’s articles’ on similarly flavoured Malaysian topics are must-reads by all Malaysians, if nothing else for them to be aware of the bigotry and hypocrisy of not only the perceived perpetrators, but also of the people who ignorantly defend certain viewpoints in the forums.
IMHO, the last comment was a good note to end on, and the admins should lock this thread before anymore armchair theologists troll it.
haswandi says
Mr Adam,
1) Moral policing is stated clearly in Islamic law and our nation’s Syariah law [is doing] the right thing of following the law. The Islamic law is not for you or for TNG or for me to contest!!! Please understand that fact.
2) Enforcing the law is part of implementing Islamic teaching.
3) And, just because some people died during the raids, it does not indicate the implementation of the law is not needed or could be thrown away. As a matter of fact, those who died did not die because of the raid, they died because they fell off from the building, like in the police [officer’s] case in Kelantan. You could fall from the building and died if you tried to run away from your landlord collecting the rent also. Are you saying we shall ban people from collecting their rent?
4) Nobody plays GOD here. We are just following what our GOD asked us to do. Leave it to the Muslim community to decide what is best to keep our faith from being “contaminated” by opinions of those outside the faith. Shall we ask the Christian priests to get married to avoid “child sexual abuse” cases from happening? I don’t dare to touch it, my sincere apology to fellow Christians because I have no right to even talk about it, let them settle this issue among themselves.
4) There is no forcing someone into Islam. It is true whatever you did you shall be responsible to GOD in the next life. Drink alcohol in your home and don’t tell anyone, nobody will disturb you in this world. But if you as a Muslim take alcohol in public, then the Islamic authority has the responsibility to carry what the Islamic teaching has prescribed otherwise they will answer to GOD in the life hereafter.
Edi Mat Diah says
If nothing else, the author’s article has led us to a senseless situation where Muslims were ‘forced’ to argue points of religion with non-Muslim.
Non-Muslims would never understand (or accept) prohibitions in Islam if/because their own religions allow the acts. They failed to see that there are two guilty parties in the story.
On the other hand, most Muslims find it difficult to accept Ms Nabila’s ‘heroism’, because it was her own offense that has exposed her to the extortion in the first place.
Shaboinq says
Nabila, not sure if you’re reading this but I had a similar experience a couple years back.
I was in my car with my then-boyfriend (who was an Indian [Malaysian]) and we were talking. We were at one of the parks at Bangsar and it was nearly 10[pm], I reckon. Anyway, a couple of cops decided to say hello.
Now I’m a Malay [Malaysian] but I look Chinese thanks to the many mixed-race marriages in my family. The coppers didn’t say much first because they assumed I was Chinese [Malaysian]until one of them decided to check my IC.
Then shit hit the fan.
They went on about how we were khalwat-ing etc and wtf mate, we were talking. My then-bf panicked when they said that they wanted to see both our families at the police station. This went on for about an hour and I was getting very very pissed off. I wasn’t sure what to do really, and if I had known then what I know now, I would have called my dad (who was a lawyer).
Then they took my then-bf aside and talked to him. One of the coppers came to me and said I could go home and that they’d send my then-bf back on the condition that I give them my phone number. I thought well alright, if that’s what it takes to get rid of them so be it.
I went home and my then-bf called me once he got home. Apparently, they drove him to an ATM and asked him to take out RM200 to settle the problem. And then warned him to stay away from me because Indians should stick to Indians and Malays with Malays.
I was EXTREMELY angry but my then-bf said to let it go and to just move on with our lives.
That would have been alright if the cop who had my phone number hadn’t started calling me every other hour! He called me at 3am that night asking if I was home and blah blah with this perverted suara gatal. And this went on for two weeks until I changed my number.
Jau says
Great to hear from someone else who has experienced the same thing. Well, not great in the sense that it happened, but great in the sense that it’s not just a one-off occurrence that these “moral police” extort money from people through fear (and not even from Muslims!). And these policemen even went to the extent of harassing her over the phone.
So all you naysayers and preachers here, take a moment to read this and think about it – she hadn’t committed any sin according to Islam, the police had only made an issue of it once they realised that she was actually Muslim (after seeing her IC) and worst of all – they were actually policing people who they originally thought weren’t even Muslim!! Goes to show that “moral policing” in this country isn’t exclusively for Muslims, but has been extended to the rest of society.
Fendi says
Don’t assume that these fanatical Malay Muslims only affect other Malays and so tak ape. The [authorities] took the opportunity to check all couples of all races, hoping that they would hit the jackpot of a Malay couple whom they could then frighten into paying them money! Easy money!
Jang says
I think Nabila is not wrong because every one has the right to kiss some one whom we love. Don`t tell me that you never kiss your baby. Is it wrong for you to you kiss your baby?. To me, kissing is not wrong but [the sexual act] is wrong because it involve another process that is mating which may result the development of foetus if no cap used. This is equivalent to murder if you don`t want the child to born. The main issue here is that the enforcement officer who extorted money from these two did more wrong. These police officers should be dealt with according to law. They are supposed to uphold law and order in the country but instead they commit such a crime. Can we trust the enforcement officers employed by the present government? If not, come the 13th general election, it is time we exercise our right through the ballot paper.
thank you
Mupok aku.
Malaysian says
Can anyone enlighten me the punishment in Islamic law:
1. for Nabila if she is deemed guilty of khalwat
2. for the enforcement officers who practiced corruption, extortion and sexual harassment.
tze yeng says
R.E.S.P.E.C.T Ms Nabila for standing up against abuse of power (in this case, perceived) thinly disguised as moral policing. I think that is the whole point, race/religion is not.
Keruah says
Nabila Nasir, please keep standing up and fighting for what is right. You have shown courage and intelligence. Your own comments are certainly miles ahead of some of the “keyboard diarrhoea” we’ve seen in the readers’ section. Anonymity on the internet can produce lots of filth and idiocy…you have rejected anonymity, and tried to make a difference for your sisters and brothers – well done. Please stand for Parliament, but not for the Merah Cilu Party.
haswandi says
1)There are [certain noble things to stand up and fight for], like the Palestinians fighting for their right [to their] land. In Nabila’s case, certainly she has courage but I wonder what “rights” is she fighting for, or what “rights” are you talking [about]?
2)Nabila has chosen the wrong forum to present her “brand” of “understanding” of Islam. I do not want to confuse anyone here especially the non-Muslim readers, but to point to you that there are certain aspects in Islamic law [that allows for] open discussion (not by any Tom, Dick and Harry, of course!) but there are also laws that cannot be disputed anymore because for example:
a) if you are Muslim you have to pray five times a day.
b) Al-Quran is the highest/ultimate reference.
…and the list goes on, including that you could not kiss other persons other than your muhrim. That is very, very clear, Miss Nabila. I follow this teaching and it does not mean I’m conservative and if you do not follow this [it] does not mean you are a liberal Muslim. There is ONLY one type of Muslim. You can not interpret the teaching the way you like, in any religion!
Dr Syed Alwi says
Ini semua akibat pengaruh Islam Liberal di Malaysia! Di Indonesia, Majlis Ulama Indonesia mengatakan bahawa Islam Liberal adalah sesat! Sepatutnya Malaysia ikut sama.
Adam says
It is commendable that you follow strictly to the tenets of your faith but not all Muslims have the disciple to do so. There are many who would prefer a more liberal approach without too much religiosity and rituals. Same as in Christianity, Hinduism and other beliefs.
The only solution which would prevent people from commenting negatively on your faith is to allow complete freedom of religion but would the religious authorities have enough faith to dare allow Muslims to apostatize with ease and without persecution? With the present strict rules, I anticipate many Muslims especially ladies would opt out of the religion.
So, they got scared and make it almost impossible to get out and in so doing, you invite criticism, not only from your own kind but from non-Muslims who are affected too. This is a Catch-22 situation.
Having said that, there is another way out of this. Use the soft approach. Instead of meting out punishment, why not go for counseling and education. Nowadays, parents do not whack their naughty kids anymore. Practise more love and compassion and people will admire and respect such virtues.
I believe most Muslims would prefer to remain with their faith if given more leeway in practising their religion. Muslims do not lack religiosity but they do lack spirituality. It need not have to be five times ritual prayers a day. You could pray and converse with God/Allah anytime you like; driving, working, walking, flying, even in the washroom. God has known us in all our nakedness. There is nowhere to hid from Him, not even in the innermost recesses of our minds.
So there you are. Loosen up, lighten up. Religion need not be such a serious and sombre affair. Enjoy the presence of our God, anytime, anywhere. But, if you still insist on following strictly to your holy books, then I am sorry I cannot help you, Haswandi. I can promise that you would be stuck with this sad, sad situation till kingdom come. And as the song by Elton John goes, it would get more and more absurd. Take care, my friend.
haswandi says
Mr Adam,
Thank you very much for your suggestion. Unfortunately, your suggestion is the product of of your thought….a human thinking….human rationalization.This rationalization is not going to work in Islamic teaching. One of the reasons is to ensure the sanctity of the teaching until the end of the world. That is why Muslims for more than one thousand years have been praying to the same direction, the same frequency in a day and [with] the same methodology. Muslims in current civilization are backward not because of the Islam but because they do not practise the teaching fully. History has told us in previous centuries Islam had played a major role in world civilization. If Christianity is the dominant religion of our world today, we will never know what is the dominant religion in the future.
We are not here to do a study on comparative religion. To put it in a simple word, Islam is a serious religion with a comprehensive teaching of the way of life for every man and woman in this world. Look at the bigger picture, then you can see my point.
Edi Mat Diah says
Obviously you are not a Muslim, Mr Adam. And your ridiculous suggestions actually sound like a mockery to Islam.
There was a period in early Islam where apostasy was generally punishable by death. But Malaysia only practices the weaker option of the mitigation strategies: discouragement.
The burden of responsibility falls on the authority (in fact, on every Muslim) to prevent apostasy. To sit back and do nothing is a sin. Now, that is a Catch-22 situation as Muslim see it.
I do believe that Muslims are not afraid of criticism. What is criticism if compared to physical aggression in Western countries or to brutal slaughter in the Middle East. But when you suggest that Islam be practiced the way you practice your religion, then we are angered by your arrogance.
There were claims that Islam is a masculine religion in many aspects, but your anticipation that the ladies can’t wait to flee the faith might be an empty dream. But, while you wait, you may want to count how many non-Muslim women [there are who] are currently converting to Islam in droves because you are so crippled by your liberal thinking to discourage them…
Ganesh says
Notice how the root of all these conflicts comes back to religion? Put your thinking cap on and try and study string theory. Way more interesting!
Adam says
Mr. Edi / Haswandi,
If you consider what I have suggested as a mockery of your religion, I must say it does not take much to do that. Take a look at some Muslim blogs and you will find they have even stronger views different from yours. So you consider these progressive Muslims as westernized and not Muslims? And yet, you are not prepared to let them apostatize without intimidation and persecution? You are in a dilemma, are you not?
Btw, apostasy in some Islamic countries and isolated Muslim societies is still punishable with threats of death. Here in Malaysia, it is not and you make it sound like you are doing any would-be apostates a favor by just discouraging them… by intimidation, rehab, persecution and imprisonment?
Take the case of Makcik Kamariah Ali who has declared herself an apostate. She has been in and out of jail since 1992. This motherly lady is still appealing her case up to this day. Ask Haris Ibrahim; he is her lawyer. How could anyone with a heart do this to a poor old lady? She is not violent; she just wants out of the religion to practise her beliefs peacefully.
But no, they would not let her go. After being released from jail and apparently has been rehabilitated, the judge asked her to pronounce the syahada, which she did but the judge was not convinced of her repentance and sent her back in again. You may think that sacrificing a few to prevent others from leaving is justifiable but is it honorable? I do not believe an Almighty God would allow such an uncompassionate and merciless stance.
You may also think that I am again mocking your religion but I do not think so; the religious authorities are doing that pretty well themselves. For the love of Allah, why can’t the religious people do the right things and portray Islam as a beautiful religion.
A great religion would have enough faith in her followers to allow freedom of belief; a good religion would teach her adherents to treat fellow human beings with dignity, kindness and respect; a humane religion would empower her followers with the capacity for love, compassion and forgiveness; a religion of peace would advocate peaceful coexistence among all peoples and build bridges instead of dividing walls. Does your religion measure up?
Islam is a religion of peace, so I hear. The Koran preaches kindness and humility, as it is written. It is pronounced everyday in the Bismillah “ In the name of Allah, most gracious, most compassionate”. Muslims have a wonderful religion but do they practise and live it? That is the big question!
Peace, yes please!
Keruah says
This young Malaysian Nabila Nasir stood up for the rights of all Malaysians not to face extortion and sexual harassment by the police and Jakim. Whether she contravened religious rules, or ran a red light, makes no difference. The angry tirades against her breaking a rule about kissing is irrelevant to the courage she showed against bullying – and all Malaysians should stand up for these rights. She kissed someone who is not muhrim, Aminulrasyid Hamzah drove without a licence, Teoh Beng Hock worked for an opposition party, M Kugan was accused of stealing cars – why should we keep mouthing off about these Malaysians’ offences, when we should be fighting the far more serious national crimes of abuse of power and corruption by the police, the MACC and Jakim? No one really cares whether any particular commentator on this website thinks he is a conservative Muslim or not. People care that public institutions behave in a proper, professional manner – this is a right enjoyed by all citizens.
SH says
Well said! If only there were more Malaysians like you around. In my opinion, religion is the single most divisive element known to man. It’s ironic that the people who most strenuously impose their religious moral code on others forget the most important lesson all religions try to impart on their followers: tolerance.
And you’re right. The issue here is about corruption and downright intimidation by the very group appointed to be the guardians of public safety. Let’s not turn it into a fist-shaking argument about whose religion is better. Now’s a good time for reintroducing a bit of perspective, wouldn’t you say?
Ramohd says
“I think a lot of Malay Malaysians now doubt TNG’s credibility to speak for them.”
I for one think they’re too middle of the road.
They need to go all the way and discard the shackles of religion.
Dr Syed Alwi says
Dear People,
Islam has rules for which Muslims must abide by. You cannot arbitrarily modify Islamic rules and teachings. If you want to re-interpret or reform Islam – then you must first get an ijma from the leading Islamic ulamas and institutions world-wide. You cannot make your own rules in Islam! There must first be an agreement or consensus among the ulamas world wide.
That is why I say that it will be another 100 years before Islam can reform itself.
Frankly I find the current situation in Malaysia to be dangerous….
Hang Jebat says
Dear Dr Syed Alwi
Funny, how the current situation in Malaysia suddenly got “dangerous”.
It was never that “dangerous” way back in the 1950’s right through to the 80’s. People were more chilled out about religion then. “Live and let live” was the motto then and Malaysians got along just fine.
Only in the last 20 years have we gotten our panties tied up in a knot.
Funny how all this coincides with the gradual creep of political Islam into all facets of Malaysia’s public (and private) life over the last 20 years!
Coincidence? I think not.
Dr Syed Alwi says
Dear Hang Jebat,
That’s the Islamic Resurgence. Muslims are now more concerned about Islamic teachings than before. They want Islam. They have become more Islamically aware. Its not for you to criticise a religion. If you find Islam to be too difficult for you – then you might want to consider migrating to a non-Muslim country.
Sabahan says
How come you have not migrated to Malaysia? Why do you still want to stay in Singapore?
PS: Btw, Malaysia is short of doctors.
Ganesh says
For a Dr, you sure don’t sound well read. Keep it to the point. Public institutions should behave in a proper and professional manner. That’s it. Period. Discuss that, not [religion]. It isn’t the topic here.
onceharrased says
I concur!
Yee says
I concur too. Despite all the flaws in his arguments, this so-called Dr. is constantly pushing the same old racist and religious […] just hoping to tire us out. […]
Fendi says
Funny from someone living in Chinese Singapore… go figure Dr Alwi.. fact is that.. people just realised that Islam is just a religion from the Arabs.
And its not much fun when you want to lead a lifestyle of an Arab tribe of the 7th century.
They didn’t have Internet then. We have and we can exchange ideas fast as Nabila did.
Now we’ve exposed your […] thoughts! […]
Iain says
I like Hang Jebat’s comments about how the 1950s up to the 1980s were much more relaxed in respect of practising Islam. You can see this in the films of P.Ramlee and others of the period. There is a flirtatiousness and cheekiness in the dialogue of these films that just isn’t created in today’s Malay films, which seem to be sober, dull and overly-religious in comparison. You just couldn’t make a flirty type of film in Malaysia today, with double-entendres and the like. IMHO, this is not progress. Some Malays want to wear their religious virtue on their sleeves and parade it in front of others.
Adam says
Dr Syed,
Even the ulamas and Islamic institutions worldwide could not come to a consensus; so how to reform Islam? Not in a 100 years. Christianity has taken so many centuries to come to the present “acceptable” situation.
Meanwhile, you cannot expect Muslims to accept the current creeping and dangerous trend of political/radical Islam in Malaysia. Someone must start the reformation now before it gets too dangerous. TNG is starting it; Syed Akbar (Club of Doom) is doing his part; Marina Mahathir and SIS are doing their part. RPK, Haris Ibrahim, Malik Imtiaz and many others are also contributing to the issue.
I believe Muslims in other countries are also into reforming Islam and bringing it up to present times. Everyone must do their part to prevent Islam from being hijacked. Religion should free the mind; not [be] shackled by it.
Like Hang Jebat, I long for the 50’s to 80’s where religion has mainly been a private matter and our people of all religions were so much more united.
May God have mercy on us.
Justice says
You keep missing the point. This article is not about reinterpreting Islam. It’s about abuse of power, sexual harassment and racism by the police and religious authorities.
But if you still wish to enlighten readers on Islam, could you please state unequivocally for the record:
a) what the Quran has to say about the behaviour of such civil servants, and
b) what obligations there are for other Muslims to right such injustices.
Otherwise you’re just getting all of us side-tracked.
gua says
haswandi says:
July 2, 2010 at 1:45 pm
a) if you are Muslim you have to pray five times a day.
b) Al-Quran is the highest/ultimate reference.
So you are the one on high moral grounds, but you expect everyone to be like you eh?
Let me share my story with you. Just heard from an acquaintance of how this man goes around catching others for khalwat at the beaches etc around the kampung until one day while catching others, his other friends caught someone who turns out to be his own son.
From that day on, he quit the maksiat squad.
Another friend of mine was also in the maksiat squad. Once he will holding for his dear life on to the bonnet of the car of a khalwat suspect and was only saved as there happened to be a road block some 10km down the road.
Another time he was attacked with a parang and luckily the people around stopped the attacker. He only suffered a nasty gash on his head. It was a revenge attack for his khalwat arrest.
Now he is no longer interested in catching offenders. He realises that it is foolish [and not worth risking his life] to catch offenders who do no change at all as many [of them] have been caught more than once.
Does one foolishly believe that the khalwat raids will stop all the maksiat? It would be better to educate the young while in school.
Mind you maksiat officers have been known to be caught for maksiat themselves!
Keruah says
To TNG – my apologies for a spelling error: Aminulrasyid’s father’s name is Amzah and not Hamzah as I typed in my comment at 6.12pm 4/7/10. Thank you.
Antares says
What an admirable woman you are, Nabila. You won my heart instantly with your wonderful feistiness. This country would be paradise with more human beings like you – and fewer like Ibrahim Ali and all those mindless […] in human guise who join Rela or JAIS or Jakim! The scientific name for the disease that has made so many of us seriously consider migration is Terminal tempurungitis. It has NOTHING to do with race or religion – and EVERYTHING to do with allowing oneself to become braindead in an insular, provincial cultural matrix. That’s one sure way of guaranteeing yourself swift extinction.
muslim says
Tahniah buat saudari Nabila Nasir kerana saudari telah berjaya merendah-rendahkan agama saudari hingga menjadi pijakan mereka yang tidak memahami.
Tahniah buat saudari Nabila Nasir kerana meletakan keimanan anda serendah-rendahnya hingga merasakan hukum allah itu jauh dari diri saudari.
Tahniah kepada saudari Nabila Nasir kerana berjaya menjadi pejuang liberalisai yang sejati sehingga menidakan agamanya dan keimanannya.
Tahniah juga kepada pihak polis dan juga jabatan agama yang telah menjalankan kerjanya secara semborono tanpa memikirkan kesan disebalik tindakannya.
Tahniah juga kepada tuan punya blog kerana dengan penulisan ini akan lebih ramai yang terbuka matanya untuk melihat natijah disebalik kelembutan yang selama ini diberi.
Sekali lagi tahniah kepada empunya blog kerana berjaya membawa orang Islam kesatu arah baru dalam pemikiran dengan meletakkan agamnya dan keimananya kesatu tahap yang serendah-rendah yang mungkin…”biarlah kita menang sorak kampung tergadai”.
Al Kafirun
Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Hai orang-orang kafir!
“Aku tidak akan menyembah apa yang kamu sembah.
“Dan kamu tidak mahu menyembah (Allah) yang aku sembah.
“Dan aku tidak akan beribadat secara kamu beribadat.
“Dan kamu pula tidak mahu beribadat secara aku beribadat.
“Bagi kamu ugama kamu, dan bagiku ugamaku”.
Dan di antara manusia ada yang berkata: “Kami telah beriman kepada Allah dan kepada hari akhirat”; padahal mereka sebenarnya tidak beriman.
Mereka hendak memperdayakan Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, padahal mereka hanya memperdaya dirinya sendiri, sedang mereka tidak menyedarinya.
Ganesh says
Congratulations, Muslim, with your amazing rhetoric.
“Mereka hendak memperdayakan Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, padahal mereka hanya memperdaya dirinya sendiri, sedang mereka tidak menyedarinya.”
Sighs, ko ni memang katak bawah tempurung la. Lol.
muslim says
Terima kasih kerana berkata sedemikian,terima kasih kerana menyatakan bahawasanya Al-Quran adalah semata retorik dari Tuhan kami dan secara tidak langsung meyatakan bawasanya kata-kata Allah didalam Al-Quran dalam sesuatu yang palsu. Maka halalah diri kamu akan aku.
Benarlah kata-kata allah:
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Janganlah kamu mengambil orang-orang yang bukan dari kalangan kamu menjadi “orang dalam” (yang dipercayai). Mereka tidak akan berhenti-henti berusaha mendatangkan bencana kepada kamu. Mereka sukakan apa yang menyusahkan kamu. Telahpun nyata (tanda) kebencian mereka pada pertuturan mulutnya, dan apa yang disembunyikan oleh hati mereka lebih besar lagi. Sesungguhnya telah kami jelaskan kepada kamu keterangan-keterangan itu jika kamu (mahu) memahaminya.
Awaslah! Kamu ini adalah orang-orang (yang melanggar larangan), kamu sahajalah yang suka (dan percayakan mereka, sedang mereka tidak suka kepada kamu. kamu juga beriman kepada segala Kitab Allah (sedang mereka tidak beriman kepada Al-Quran). Dan apabila mereka bertemu dengan kamu mereka berkata: “Kami beriman”, tetapi apabila mereka berkumpul sesama sendiri, mereka menggigit hujung jari kerana geram marah (kepada kamu), katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): “Matilah kamu dengan kemarahan kamu itu”. Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa mengetahui akan segala (isi hati) yang ada di dalam dada.
Kalau kamu beroleh kebaikan (kemakmuran dan kemenangan, maka yang demikian) menyakitkan hati mereka; dan jika kamu ditimpa bencana, mereka bergembira dengannya. Dan kalau kamu sabar dan bertaqwa, (maka) tipu daya mereka tidak akan membahayakan kamu sedikitpun. Sesungguhnya Allah meliputi pengetahuanNya akan apa yang mereka lakukan.
[surah A-li ‘Imraan ayat 118,119 dan 200]
Terima kasih saudara Ganesh.
nickname says
Do you have proof your Allah is real? Do you have proof that the Christian god is not real? Do you have proof that string theory is not enough to explain life? Let me just say that up until we die, none of us has the right to force our beliefs down each others throats. Don’t give me crap about how Islam is the “official” religion in Malaysia and we should respect it, bla bla bla. LOOK. We respect it, but the whole concept of there even being an “official” religion is stupid. Our faith in God should be a personal matter, not the matter of a state or government. Why is it fair that every Malay born in Malaysia be a Muslim by default without a say? Is that Allah’s way? If your God is powerful, why must you use extortion and legalities to keep Islam as an “official” religion. Tell me if I’m wrong, but my Muslim friend told me that it is stated in the Qu’ran that faith has to be sincere. If so, all Malays who are forced to be Muslim, are they being honestly sincere every time they obey a law or pray? Think.
onceharrased says
Tahniah kerana menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia, sedangkan forum ini hanya menggunakan bahasa inggeris.
Tahniah kerana memutarbelitkan kata kata Allah swt dan menggunakan ini sebagai satu cara untuk memartabatkan korupsi polis di negara ini.
Ingat wahai saudara, kalau Nabi Muhammad saw, boleh mengampunkan dusta kafir Quraisy, siapakah kita untuk mengadili wanita ini?
You are not God.
So stay on topic.
Awesome says
Biar saya menterjemahkan dua baris terakhir saudara/saudari untuk katak di bawah tempurung yang bernama “Muslim”:
You are not God. So stay on topic.
Kamu bukan Allah. Jadi, kekalkan topik.
Faham? Okay.
muslim says
[Tahniah kerana memutarbelitkan kata kata Allah swt dan menggunakan ini sebagai satu cara untuk memartabatkan korupsi polis di negara ini.: Tahniah juga kepada pihak polis dan juga jabatan agama yang telah menjalankan kerjanya secara semborono tanpa memikirkan kesan disebalik tindakannya.]
[Tahniah kerana memutarbelitkan kata kata Allah swt dan menggunakan ini sebagai satu cara untuk memartabatkan korupsi polis di negara ini.: putar belit??,mungkin saya tidak sedar tolong lah saya wahai saudara yang budiman dimanakah putar belit itu.]
[Ingat wahai saudara, kalau Nabi Muhammad saw, boleh mengampunkan dusta kafir Quraisy, siapakah kita untuk mengadili wanita ini?:
[1]:Apabila orang-orang munafik datang kepadamu (wahai Muhammad), mereka berkata: “Kami mengakui bahawa sesungguhnya engkau – sebenar-benarnya Rasul Allah”. Dan Allah sememangnya mengetahui bahawa engkau ialah RasulNya, serta Allah menyaksikan bahawa sesungguhnya pengakuan mereka adalah dusta.
Mereka menjadikan sumpahnya (atau akuannya) sebagai perisai (untuk menyelamatkan dirinya dan harta bendanya daripada dibunuh atau dirampas), lalu mereka menghalang (dirinya dan orang lain) dari menurut jalan Allah. Sesungguhnya amatlah buruk apa yang mereka telah kerjakan.
(Perbuatan buruk) yang demikian kerana mereka mengaku beriman (di hadapan orang-orang Islam) kemudian mereka tetap kafir sesama sendiri, maka dengan sebab itu dimeteraikan atas hati mereka; lalu mereka tidak dapat memahami (yang mana benar dan yang mana salah).
Dan apabila engkau melihat mereka, engkau tertarik hati kepada tubuh badan mereka (dan kelalukannya); dan apabila mereka berkata-kata, engkaujuga (tertarik hati) mendengar tutur katanya (kerana manis dan fasih. Dalam pada itu) mereka adalah seperti batang-batang kayu yang tersandar (tidak terpakai kerana tidak ada padanya kekuatan yang dikehendaki). Mereka (kerana merasai bersalah, sentiasa dalam keadaan cemas sehingga) menyangka tiap-tiap jeritan (atau riuh rendah yang mereka dengar) adalah untuk membahayakan mereka. Mereka itulah musuh yang sebenar-benarnya maka berjaga-jagalah engkau terhadap mereka. Semoga Allah membinasa dan menyingkirkan mereka dari rahmatNya. (Pelik sungguh!) Bagaimana mereka dipalingkan (oleh hawa nafsunya – dari kebenaran)?
Dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: ” Marilah (bertaubat) supaya Rasulullah meminta ampun (kepada Allah) untuk kamu”, mereka (enggan sambil) menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya; dan engkau melihat mereka berpaling (dari bertaubat) serta mereka berlaku sombong angkuh.
(Tidak ada faedahnya) kepada mereka, sama ada engkau meminta ampun untuk mereka atau engkau tidak meminta ampun, Allah tidak sekali-kali akan mengampunkan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada kaum yang fasik.
Surah Al-Munafiqun ayat 1 hingga 6
Benar saya bukan Tuhan yang boleh menghukum sesiapa..saya cuma berharap dengan penulisan ini dapatalah beliau bertaubat dari kesalahannya dengan allah bukan dengan manusia, bukan hanya beliau tetapi saya saudara dan semua umat Islam yang wujud dimuka bumi dan tidak seperti apa yang diperkatakan seperti ayat diatas. Dengan kehendak mu jua ya Allah yang maha pengampun dan juga mengasihani, kami ini hanyalah insan yang sering melakukan kesalahan (dosa) sedangkan engaku [Allah] telah memberi peringatan yang jelas].
Malaysian says
Religions are subjected to challenge [by] human intellect. Religion is something personal, it’s exclusively between God and you only. The ultimatum is very simple; to be a good being. [Humans have] made it so complicated which finally boils down to this kind of social problem.
Can’t anyone here be a good being without religion?
Nadia Ali says
Haswandi, Nabila is standing up for her human rights. Please refer to Article 3, 12,18. http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/
Why are u assuming she’s a liberal Muslim? Or even a practising Muslim at all? I don’t recall her mentioning anything about her religion/faith.
Even if she IS a Muslim, is it an Islamic practice to invade people’s privacy and fine people for their sins? So are we going to fine people who don’t pray five times a day now? Or make it compulsory for girls to go for annual gynae exams to make sure they are not engaging in premarital sex?
I am not a practicing Muslim and yet i have to abide by these archaic, invasive laws and I cant do anything to protect myself. I can’t move in with my boyfriend because its illegal. I cant even marry him because he’s not Muslim.
Moral policing is a joke. […]
haswandi says
Miss Nadia Ali,
I know Nabila is standing for human rights. But the “rights” that she is standing for is not the same “rights” that this country and our Muslim society have embraced. As long as she is a Muslim and stays in this country, she needs to respect and be subjected to our Syariah law. The human rights that you cited are designed by international non-Muslim societies based on their way of life. If we are going to follow these “rights”, in the very near future we could see [two men] get married here in Malaysia. So, our government being elected by the majority of our people in this land has decided to follow part of these rights but has rejected those rights which are not compatible with Islamic teachings and Asian values.
You missed my point about the difference between practising Islamic values and enforcing Islamic values by the authority. If you have been too far away from your own religion and you did not understand the religion itself, stop talking and do not champion your brand of Islam to the rest of the people, like what Nabila did. If she want to kiss her boyfriend and does not want to pray, it will be her problem altogether but just keep quiet and do not tell other people. If you start talking about that or if you do it in public or marry a non-Muslim, then you shall face our Syariah legal system which has been in place to protect the sanctity of Islam and aspirations of the majority of Muslims in this country.
Edi Mat Diah says
This is the point I’ve looking for. Thanks bro haswandi.
Nabila may do more than kissing if she cares to. As long as she keeps it private. It’s a private matter anyway.
But retrospectively, if she’d censored the smooching scene from her story, then all her story tells is the same old story that happens everywhere on earth. In fact, you might catch it in one of Hollywood’s monochromes.
Thus, from a certain angle, this article reeks of a cunningly crafted plot in police-bashing, if you ask me.
onceharrased says
But at least she’s being honest. What’s the point of censoring the story and sensationalising it to the point of biasing the facts?
That is what we Malaysians do all the time. We see something wrong, and we swipe it under the rug.
Police bashing? Please. This incriminating article did very little in comparison to what this girl had gone through: extortion, sexual harassment and degradation.
akhir says
Lets face it. There are crappy people out there. Some become police [officers], some become politicians, some become journalists … So we always have to be on guard against [such] individuals. The fact that there are police [officers] out there today still asking for RM500 bribes from the public at police stations shows how serious the situation is.
Police [should not be the authority that looks out for] khalwat. It shows the [weakness] of syariah laws and the ease with which some people abuse it openly.
alamak says
Edi says:
“Nabila may do more than kissing if she cares to. As long as she keeps it private. It’s a private matter anyway.
But retrospectively, if she’d censored the smooching scene from her story, then all her story tells is the same old story ”
Why must she censor her OWN story. Maybe we should treat you the same way you treat apostates in Malaysia = If you don’t like it, YOU get out of this forum.
alamak says
BTW, the bumis were here FIRST
T says
/// alamak says:
August 4, 2010 at 1:23 pm
BTW, the bumis were here FIRST ///
You mean the Orang Asli were here first. The Semang, Senoi and Proto-Malay. Not those mamak pseudo-Malays and Indonesian Malays.
Ganesh says
Rights regarding moral policing, sexual harassment and extortion, dimwit. You didn’t hear her asking for rights to get laid in public now did you?
Jennifer says
Dear Haswandi,
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies to all human beings living on Earth, regardless of religion, race, gender, etc. It does not discriminate.
When you replied “If you have been too far away from your own religion and you did not understand the religion itself, stop talking and do not champion your brand of Islam to the rest of the people, like what Nabila did” to Nadia Ali, I think you have been unfair to Nadia Ali. This is a space for comments that can be posted by anyone who has an opinion on the issue, and you cannot stop Nadia Ali from speaking out in this space.
Everyone has human rights. One shouldn’t exercise his/her human rights while infringing on another person’s human rights.
Dr Syed Alwi says
Dear Jennifer,
It might interest you to know that the OIC has tabled an alternative to the UNDHR. The OIC wants an Islamic version of Human Rights that is compatible with the nature of Muslim societies.
Adam says
Dear Tuan Syed,
The OIC’s CDHRI is hardly the equivalent to the UNDHR. There is some form of inequality between Muslim men and women and also between Muslims and Non-Muslims. And the fundamental right to freedom of belief is absent.
I believe that if Islam allows complete freedom of or from religion without harassment or persecution, most current issues facing Islam would be resolved. Those who do not believe in the practices and interpretation of the mainstream denomination could opt out and subject themselves to civil laws. They will then have no reason to complain or criticise. Those who willingly remain in the faith would also willingly subject themselves to the Syaria without question.
And everyone will live happily ever after. How nice.
farha says
Wow, what a popular story! I just have to give my two sen’s worth on this….sure, as a Muslim we’re enjoined to do ‘amar maruf nahi munkar’ (do good and prevent immoral/unethical acts?). I sure wish that these ‘moral police’ will have as much zeal doing other things like chasing after men who don’t pay alimony to their ex-wife & children, helping single mums in need, old homeless people who need a roof over their heads…the list goes on.
Yes, moral police, there’s plenty of things for you to do, don’t stop short of ‘khalwat’ only! 😉
Sean says
“…enjoined to … prevent”[citation needed]
That’s interesting – how would such an obligation sit with “there is no compulsion in religion“? See page one of the letter to the Pope from Islamic experts, including one based here.
I’m no expert on religion, but I would have thought that any school of thought that espoused the idea of some sort of Final Judgement, or all-seeing and all-knowing Judge would also accept the futility of coercing others to do what they understood to be ‘good’. What’s on trial – a popular tally of good acts and bad acts, or the known-only-to-God motivations and intentions of the actor?
Which is superior – the obligation to refrain from compulsion, or the obligation to compel others to adhere to local standards? I say ‘local standards’ because there’s obviously no such thing as ‘1Islam” when it comes to administration. ‘Religious enforcement’ seems to require some transfer of divine judicial function to their self-appointed earthly representatives. Not everybody thinks it is respectable when Tony Blair and George Bush claim to be acting as God’s agents. Given the difficulty of verifying a divine mandate, isn’t “no compulsion” a safer, more intelligent choice?
I think the idea of ‘agency’ is central here. As far as I know it’s a pretty big deal in any religion when God appoints an earthly agent. How much credence should we give to people who claim to be God’s agent? Are they doing God’s work to divine specification, or are they working for some more personal, earthly benefit? I can almost grasp the concept of an obligation to guide one’s peers ‘back onto the right path’. Having said that, it would be ultimately meaningless unless it’s a personal obligation, personally discharged – wouldn’t it? How would an all-knowing God view a wealthy man paying a poor man to discharge the wealthy-man’s guiding-back-onto-the-path obligations on his behalf? How would God view a poor man discharging his faith obligations with greater zeal because he was paid to do so?
Awesome says
But khalwat is their rice bowl…not only do they get to watch “free show”…they might also get cash and sexual favours at the same time..what a great deal…
There have been complaints that liberal/atheist Malays and non-Muslims are mocking Malaysia’s religious organizations and laws.
Particularly in this case. Nabila shouldn’t have been caught kissing a non-muhrim Chinese bloke, and when she was caught, she should have meekly surrendered to the police, given in to their demands, shut up and accepted the punishment because she broke the law of God. She answers to God. The cops answer to God.
Her non-Muslim boyfriend answers to God, even if he may believe in the wrong one – the right one will surely triumph and judge him in the end (you can say “I don’t believe in tigers”, but still get eaten by one).
I am appalled that none of you see this. Where have we gone wrong?
I agree with our southern brother Dr. S. Alwi. I am glad in the secular island nation of casinos and the Orchard Tower – there is a beacon of light and reason.
I have this to say to all of you who equate Nabila to Mother Teresa and mock our religious institutions:
In many cases organisations like the Fatwa committee do *EXTENSIVE* research and utilise the length and breadth of holy books an religious *SCHOLARLY TEXTS*.
For example, “Christianity for Dummies” was a reference for the fatwa dealing with “ESQ Training”. You can read that particular fatwa here:
Lee C says
Please keep the right and wrong religion thing to yourself! Honestly, you don’t know and I don’t know, it all depends on which book you believe in. After all, you do not know where you came from, so who cares where you go after you are dead? It may be just a waste of time doing all this believing. Remember, religion is a business, a very big one!
Iammaraypeepore says
Followers of middle-eastern based religions are taught to ensure that they take their truth, and impose it on everyone who has not yet received it. It has been programmed into our psychological framework. Hence, we know our religion is correct, and we are compelled to ensure you do too.
I beg to differ. I know exactly where I came from: PJ.
And I know exactly were I’ll go when I’m dead: Fertilizing ground.
atheist says
I love how you said ‘programmed into our psychology framework’. Are you sure your religion is correct? But you have been programmed to believe it? They are a bunch of words which were so-called delivered by god to [human]kind through someone, and these messages had also been translated and interpreted (by people long dead) so many times over the last few thousand years.
Like most religions there is no real proof that anything ‘imposed’ now is what god wanted to convey since it could be lost in translation, so i’ts all down to faith. Faith is a personal thing so why force your faith on someone else?
To my understanding, if you are born into a Muslim family here you are a Muslim by default. I am sure you are one of these kinds of Muslims, and it is evident you are happy to have been programmed. But what makes you think Nabila subscribes to your belief?
It seems that she has a much stronger analytical mind and why should she practise a religion she clearly doesn’t agree with or believe in wholeheartedly?
Danny Leebob says
I still hold on to my brown sugar.
haswandi says
On a lighter note: too much sugar, irrespective of the colour – brown, white or purple – is not good for our health…
Adam says
Yeah, too much religion, irrespective of which type – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or Buddhism – is not good for our well-being…???
JackGotABeanStroke says
First of all, from the way she spoke to the police, it shows that she doesn’t have respect for anyone.
People like this should be given a tight slap in public for talking like an uneducated fool.
As for her wrong-doing, (yes, she is at fault),she should be punished. […]
Small piece of advice: take ur IC wherever you go. Just in case, seriously. […]
JackGotABeanStroke says
Oh ya, one more thing, the police memang will abuse their power. But what to do, this is life, gotta deal with it.[…]
But one thing I realise, if you talk properly to policemen here, they will talk back nicely. Don’t be too cocky, ‘cos as we know, once they remove their uniform (or go off duty), they all memang samseng.
Tengku fikri says
I’m a Malaysian Muslim. And as we can all see, some people who don’t have enough understanding about [religions] shouldn’t comment without proper knowledge. I’m ashamed of my country and all the politicians, including Najib. They are all talk only. Tak kisah bangsa mana sekalipun.
onceharrased says
I wholeheartedly concur!
1Malaysia says
Nabila, I salute you for standing tall on the pillar of Islam. Fighting for your rights, liberty and integrity while other Malay Muslims are just hypocrites.
Yee says
LMAO This is one pretty good reply to one overzealous lot. BTW, I fully support Ms. Nabila. Let’s fight for our rights!
weedeez says:
June 24, 2010 at 12:06 pm
1. Assuming Nabila Nasir is a Muslim, she did break religious [law] by [committing] khalwat and [for] kissing a non-muhrim man.
Yes. But that does not mean she or her ex-boyfriend, a non-Muslim, should be harassed, intimidated and/or extorted in any manner.
2. What [is she trying to take issue with?]
The fact that when she requested for some identification, her request was instantly denied. The fact that both of them even stepped out of the car (even without identifications from the three officers) was already demonstrating cooperation.
a) Was she not guilty?
Yes, by her religion. But I’m pretty sure the actions of the law enforcement officers can be found guilty in most religions and in the majority of countries around the world.
b) Is she contesting the facts of the law [against] allowing men and women to be in close proximity and [to] kiss each other?
I believe she was contesting against the EXECUTION of the law.
c) Is she complaining about “treatment” she received at the police station? She did say she was losing the temper, and I would not expect the police [officer] to be “gentle” with her.
The “treatment” that she received at the police station that you so casually [refer to] is categorized as sexual harassment. She was “losing her temper” after law enforcement officers tried to extort RM300 from her ex boyfriend.
d) [Is there] any law that you could “quote” that says you could “refuse” to follow the police to the station if you are found without your IC outside your home?
No. But I’m pretty sure that there is a law that says you are not required to answer any questions or present any identification, let alone go anywhere anyone directs you to if no proper identifications were presented FIRST.
e) The only issue here is the police taking a bribe [from] her ex-boyfriend. Both [parties] are guilty.
Don’t forget the extortion, intimidation and sexual harassment.
May I remind you that the law enforcement [officers] were there representing Islam. They saw an opportunity with a Muslim girl with her Chinese boyfriend and used the excuse of their religion to enforce their authority. So I’m pretty sure you’d agree with me that they are guilty of exploiting Islam too.
f) To the Editor, please be a responsible Malaysian citizen and understand that the majority of Muslims in this country understand our religious doctrines well and we are required by this doctrine to implement and respect the doctrine. I am very ashamed of your [attempt] to play up something [based on] your own values by using this […] Nabila Nasir.
Hence, BRAVO to Nabila for;
1. Refusing to be bullied or intimidated by a bunch of greedy, not to mention RACIST so-called “law enforcement officers”
2. Not giving in to corruption
3. Preparing to take the blame by telling her ex-boyfriend to not pay the bribe because if anyone were to be charged, it would be her.
People like you who support these law enforcement officers (and the many like them) who constantly hide behind the name of their religion to judge (and intrude) on other people’s lives and then use it again to justify their own actions, are seriously giving Islam a bad name. When I say bad, I mean to the point of being down right ridiculous.
Let’s just hope you can be the remorseful, cool cucumber (like how you are implying Nabila should be) if you or your female relatives are ever harassed by the type of law enforcement officers you are so indignantly supporting today.
Haikal Mustafa says
Dear Ms Nabila Nasir,
On the topic, in my humble opinion;
1) I do believe they don’t have the rights to arrest you, it’s not their jurisdiction.
2) Even if they arrest you, they should not treat you the way they did, they should be civil and professional. You’re not a criminal.
3) You were wronged by these police [officers], they should not extort money from you or your boyfriend.
4) Thanks for highlighting the misconduct of small percentage of our police force (I hope).
1) I have never met you, but based from your blog and this article, you are a munafiq. Personally, I would prefer you get out of Islam since your actions have damaged the name of Islam.
2) Please bear with me: Islam teaches it’s a sin to perform sexual activities; kissing, fornicate, etc with other person except your spouse. When others read this article and your blog, they would just assume it’s normal thing for a Muslim to behave in such a way (kissing is a norm?). The difference between you and other Muslims who do the some thing is that they know it’s a sin and will admit they’ve done wrong and will seek forgiveness, pray they won’t do it again.
3) In your case here, you just blame the other party (yes they deserve it) and not yourself (I would presume). I’m not sure whether you believe in Qada and Qadar. Maybe it’s a warning for you from Allah. Nevertheless I pray the police [officers] gets their punishment for harassing you like that.
4) It’s really saddened me these munafiq are increasing by numbers and being public with their action. It’s not that I’m behaving holier than thou, but since you are still a Muslim, it’s an obligation for a fellow Muslim to advise another.
Dr Syed Alwi says
Dear Haikal Mustafa,
I agree with you regarding Ms Nabila and the other so-called munafiqs. If they don’t believe in Islam anymore or don’t like Islam – then its better for them to apostasise and leave Islam altogether. What’s the point of forcing someone to remain Muslim when he or she does NOT believe in Islam anymore? Takkan nak paksa dia jadi munafiq? Siapa salah di sini?
That is why – a few years ago – I supported Lina Joy’s right to apostasise. This is the problem. If you don’t allow them to apostasise – then they go around creating problems like this Nabila!
Lebih baik dia murtad dan keluar agama Islam – daripada menjadi duri dalam daging….Lagipun – dah sah yang dia tak terima ajaran Islam.
Adam says
Yes Dr Syed,
I remembered reading your many comments then about allowing Lina Joy to go in peace. That was the only sensible way to preserve the sanctity of Islam.
You have enough faith in your religion to allow this but not so the religious authorities who are worried lest Muslims especially women apostatise in droves. I would be worried too if I were them.
My suggestion is to allow those to go in peace or relax those punitive rules and intensify religious classes at home and in the mosques. You cannot have it both ways. Even parents cannot control their children nowadays; how do you expect the religious organisation to do it without problems?
onceharrased says
I understand your concern my Muslim brother, but certainly the truth has to speak out. The world has to know the actions of these so-called ‘religious’ law enforcers. Who are racist, bias and corrupt.
She may be a munafik, but the basis of this discussion is the attitudes of the law enforcers, who so casually extorts, harass and degrade human beings. All religion aside, is this the way a human being should be treated?
Haikal Mustafa says
I agree with you, these police officers was obviously wrong in their actions. As i have written, Ms Nabila and her boyfriends should not have been treated in such a way.
I hope this article will shed some light on the misconduct and unethical attitude of our police force.
atheist says
Hi Haikal,
Just out of curiosity, how exactly do you ‘get out of Islam’ here? I ask because[…] Nabila [may not be] a practising Muslim nor does she think the syariah laws being imposed on her are fair. […] I do happen to know many Malay girls who [want to get out of Islam]. They did not ask to be born to a Muslim family in Malaysia so apostasy as far as I know is illegal.
I think maybe it is easier to acknowledge the fact that there are unwilling Muslims in our country, get over it and move on. When non-Muslims read this kind of stories, we don’t think all Muslims behave the same, but we will think that there are Malays out there who are unwilling Muslims so they simply don’t practise it?
The Muslims here in Malaysia probably feel ashamed by Nabila’s action and are quick to point fingers because they cannot fathom that there are [others] out there who would not want to practise their religion or maybe they already know these people exist but they don’t want the non-Muslims to know?
Haikal Mustafa says
Dear atheist,
If i may, for her or any other Malay girls who want to leave Islam, their actions (drinking, fornicating etc) and beliefs (there’s no Allah, no heaven and hell, the syariah law is a hoax, etc) alone for enough for them to get out of Islam. However, for them to declare they are ‘murtad’ in Malaysia and still live here is quite impossible since the constitution already states that a Malay is Muslim.
So my advice, if they still determined to apostate, do leave Malaysia and migrate somewhere else.
Imran says
If migration were such an easy choice to make, I do believe a high percentage of Muslims would already have done so.
But there are 1001 other things to be considered.
So there are only two endings:
1. this goes on forever, or
2. the institution decides to change its old cogs.
hijau says
1) You can advise but you should not judge, and you have no right to asking a Muslim to leave Islam. So you are committing sins calling others munafiq and asking them to get out from Islam (unless he/she has declared they no longer believe in Allah and Islam). Instead as a good Muslim, you should be guiding them to the right path if you believe they are wrong.
2) Bribery and corruption are equally sinful as performing sexual activities, according to your logic. The majority of civil servants and politicians should hence leave Islam. I am 100% supportive of you if you can uphold your points.
onceharrased says
Dear Haswandi
Judging from your endless tirade of comments, I applaud you with your undying religious crusade against this poor girl’s ordeal. You have single-handedly protected the dignity of PRDM (Polis Raja Di Malaysia), promoted the next General Election and preserved the purity of our religion! Bravo lad!
Although, I do hope that someday, your daughter or any of your female relatives go through the same ordeal as Nabila did. Insyaallah, by then, I would love to see if you can be as cool and cynical as you are now.
Chode McBlob says
These moralists are so deprived their jealousy got the better of them.
Pathetic. Shamelessly pathetic. I have no respect for these holier-than-thou types. Shamelessly compensating for their depravity.
God/Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah guides whom He wills and leaves astray whom he wills and only He knows who has been guided. Only God knows who the believers* are. These moralist pigs are just spreading their sectarian ideologies and they believe they can change/guide people.
God guides people. Not self proclaimed moralist pigs.
Jealous moralists who are probably deprived themselves like to pass judgment on other people to feel better about themselves. It’s so pathetic.
* believer in arabic: “muslim”. note the term existed before Muhammad just like the term “Allah” did.
Yee says
Bravo! Full round applause from me! Very well said indeed! ; )
Benny says
Totally agree with you! And yes, Chinese penis is good […]
Misusing their authority in such a lowly educated way, I can’t believe that they are still protecting this type of people. So much for 1Malaysia.
Fairuzaimi says
Dear Dr Syed Alwi and whoever,
Just like you, I couldn’t agree more on the opinion of Haikal Mustafa.
I did not think that they are not aware of the fact that one does not need the ‘Islam’ title to be removed from their ICs in order to pronounce themselves out of Islam.
It is enough that they have in their heart, the hatred towards teaching of Islam, which in another way are stating the disagreement or rejecting the religion as a whole.
But that, is in the case of Lina Joy. In Ms. Nabila’s case, we did not know what is in her heart, since it is not mentioned anywhere in here that Ms. Nabila had make any statement that says something like ” I never really want to be a Muslim anyway. “.
It is only shown, that she clearly did not practice Islamic teachings. BUT, she did not says that it is balderdash or stupid, or anything in that line. So we have no right to say that she wanted to be out of Islam.
In the context of it, it is better for her to be out of Islam, although there is truth in it, as her actions are causing fitnah to the name of Islam. But as a person with a Dr title, I’m expecting you to be a more umm.. respected in your view. Not that I’m saying I disrespect you (I’m sorry if I cause any misunderstanding), but as a Muslim, wouldn’t it be better if we keep a good assumption towards other? *bersangka baik*
I can just pray that all of us Muslims, would be guided by our God to do what is taught in our religion. And not pray that all those who did wrong by Islamic teaching, to be out of Islam. Am i wrong? 🙂
In terms of the enforcer. I think it is clearly shown, he is just another so called pious, which, may cause even more fitnah to Islam. Because he wears more than just an islamic name. He did wrong, and harassed people, in the name of Islam. THAT, is causing a bigger fitnah, don’t you think so Dr? And in my opinion, it is just plain shameful, and I wish I can punch the enforcer in the face.
However, I am not going to praise Nabila’s respond towards the enforcer’s harassment though. It is just disgusting, and … I don’t know. If i were at her place, I would just ask him back, how did you actually get a position in the jabatan agama haa? pfft. So called pious.
Dr Syed Alwi says
Dear Fairuzaimi,
The problem is – when you do NOT allow these people to apostasise – these people then go around creating problems. So either you allow people to apostasise or you end up with many like this Nabila. As for baik sangka – nak sangka apalgi ? Dia sendiri secara terus terang menolak Islamic teachings.
As for corruption – yes I definitely agree with you.
Howlah? says
The fact is that Syed, kita orang Melayu dah lama tolak Islam dari dulu lagi.
Kalau kita ikut Islam Arab dari dulu kita dah potong tangan, rejam dengan batu dan segala hukum orang Arab kurun ke-7.
Kita juga menolak Islam bila kita menghalalkan gambar, tv, lukisan dan sebagainya yang diharamkan oleh Islam.
Kita juga menolak Islam bila kita menghalalkan perempuan Melayu keluar rumah bekerja memandu dab bersekolah.
Kita menolak Islam bila kita menjadikan perempuan hakim.
Semua yang dilarang oleh Islam Arab kurun ke-7.
Jadi macam mana?
Idiot says
I can’t believe that we’re still fighting over this issue.
Look at the whole issue with an open mind. Both parties are at fault. Ms Nabila had indeed violated her religion and should be warned as such. Whether she is as religious as Haswandi is not an issue, she’s a born Muslim, so she has to practise her religion in Bolehland (too bad hah).
Encik Haswandi, if you read her statement carefully, I don’t think she has ever challenged that her act is deemed to be khalwat. What she merely highlighted was the way the police officers handled the whole issue. She never claimed she had a right to kiss a non-Muslim in public, did she? So, it’s not religion we’re talking about. The three stooges who abused their authority were similarly at fault. And so was her ex-boyfriend who decided to pay the bribe.
chicanu says
Thank you for the article. I think a lot of the naysayers have misunderstood the point of the article – it’s not about whether Ms. Nabila is a good or bad person/woman/Muslim/Malaysian/Malay. It’s about how blatantly corrupt our authorities are (amongst other things, of course).
In a nutshell, I agree with most of the comments that support Nabila and see the actual point of the article, so I won’t reiterate them.
But jeez whiz Haswandi – you are really polarized in your thinking. Stop it! Stop using forum like these to express how religious you are, how God has given you a clear conscience blablabla…urgh.
Pokjak says
So far we’ve only heard one side of the story. How do we know that Nabila’s not lying? Saying something without concrete evidence is so easy […]
jj says
The conclusion is the police want $$$$!! She can date anyone she likes regardless of race!
Stop all this nonsense!!!
Barry Morris says
I am a former American Peace Corps Volunteer who lived in Johor Bahru while stationed in Malaysia. I just want to compliment all of you Malaysians for being able to carry on this level of discourse in what is generally a very thoughtful and civilized manner. Granted, there is some anger and frustration evident in some of the comments, but, on the whole, the level of intellect found here is higher than what I see in America. It seems in America, the comments don’t go on very long before you see crude or obscene language or someone telling someone else that they are an idiot or worse. Sometimes, it seems like people here are just not willing to courteously discuss an issue given the anonymous nature of the Internet. I really applaud all of you for your comments and I want to say that by no means is Malaysia a third world country….There is so much there that I wish we Americans could learn from. I hope you continue to continue to learn and develop your already superior thought process. BSM
153 says
This problem would not be happening if the British did not bring in Chinese and Indian immigrants into the MALAY peninsula.
But it is fate.
We just have to face it.
Andai dapat ku undurkan putaran dunia~
Yee says
If there’s no Chinese and Indians, there would be no Malaysia at all. Please bear in mind that all races work for the betterment of this country. Malaysia belongs to all Malaysian citizens, not just a particular race or religion.
Yuki Choe says
This is an incredibly absurd comment. The first people here were the orang asli. The first visitors were Indians, then the Chinese who traded with the locals, after that the Indonesians.
Without the trade relations with the Chinese and the Indians, the Indonesians would not have been successful during the rule of Srivijaya. Where do you think you come from, 123? In fact, it would be great if we could return to those times of friendship instead of trying to play racial discrimination now.
Sean says
“the British”
Yeah, sorry. No wait! Did we (my ancestors, though my most recent ancestors were Irish, me and my passport are both British – I hate them (me) too) ‘bring them’? I mean, in tea chests or something? But I thought the “Chinese and Indian immigrants” were here in pre-history? Even the language you use is full of Indian and Chinese words, isn’t it? I guess the Irish could say something similar about the British, and the British something similar about the French, the Germans, the Spanish, the Vikings and the Romans (what have they ever done for us?).
What about the Orang Asli? I mean the really obviously ancient locals with the curly hair, the ebony skin and really flat noses. Do they have something similar to say about ‘Malays’? There was a (Discovery Channel, I think) program about the popular Chinese idea that they were descended from a different branch to the rest of mankind – from Peking Man. A vast government-sponsored research project to verify the idea concluded that actually, Chinese people are black men too, just like you, me, my mother and everyone else (I hope you take that better than my mother does when I tell her that). Has a similar survey been conducted here?
You’re right – ‘right now’ is the only world we have, and we have to think of some way to ‘face it’ so that the best possible outcome is obtained for everyone. ‘Fate’ only happens to those people who let other people make their decisions for them.
JayCKat says
You seem to forget that there already were Chinese and Indians in Malaya before the British even stepped foot on Malayan soil. The Peranakan Chinese and Indians have been in Malaya even at the start of the Malacca sultanate. Who do you think brought the trade that made this area the entry port of the world.
We were here, have been here. Traders lived here, died here, had families here, and took up fishing (among other things). And we can thank the Malaysian education system for trying to erase us from history.
Lifelearner says
Ask yourself why the British brought Indians and Chinese to Malaysia. Malaysia would be another Indonesia without the non-malays here. So start thanking Allah, that the non-Malay [Malaysians] are here.
AJ says
“It does make me a bit wary about where and who I hang out with now. I mean, I live in a condo in Bangsar now, and I’m always having dinner parties and some of my guests include men. But if any enforcers tried to intrude, I’d probably still try to fight them off.”
Kamu tidak takut kepada manusia, bagus kamu memang seorang yang berani tetapi takutlah kamu kepada Allah kerana ia membawa kamu ke arah kebaikan
M.O.T.U says
sadee says
God made [humans]
[Humans] made religion
Religion made wars
G says
Dear Sadee,
Humans DID NOT make religion. God did. Those are his words. I suggest you get your facts right.
sadee says
‘Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.’
Jane says
It is the ummah who makes him/herself get [trapped] by religion. Religion does not cage the ummah.
It’s like being educated and not being educated. Knowledge and life, after all, make your mind’s eye see with infinite perspective.
Adam says
Yes Jane,
The ummah must take control of its own destiny, but it is going to be tough as the rules and regulations are set by the ulamas, ustaz and the religious authorites of each country. The differing interpretations do not help, and the different mazhabs make the ummah even more divisive. May Allah give all Muslims the guidance and wisdom to achieve lasting peace.
Lifelearner says
Reading this makes me understandwhy so many Malays are going overseas, especially to Western countries. Where they can experience for once what it’s like to live life free of Islamic indoctrination. To be just normal human beings. Doing normal things. And even though they have opportunities in this country, freedom is far more valuable. Given a chance, they would rather live in the US or UK than in Muslim countries like Malaysia or Pakistan […]
Yee says
I heed that. Even a lot of Malays/Muslims are fed up with the racial and religious bigotry and chose to go overseas where they can at least live life without some holier-than-thou moral guardians restricting their freedom, let alone non-Malays/Muslims. Frankly, I feel that such a sick trend transcends political affiliation. I have also seen PAS fans being busybody about everybody else’s lifestyle. Whether the government or opposition rules, we may still be facing the same old crap: one screws you because you’re not Malay; another screws you because you’re not Muslim. Only Malaysians can save themselves.
Jane says
Salaam Adam,
Right on. It’s always the whole ‘political correctness’, huh? Maybe we should opt to be like Turkey – which would bring another plight of its own even if it just to raise Secularism up. Oh well.
At the end of the day, what is the absolute truth?
InsyaAllah Allah SWT will, amin.
Ray says
[…] polis…ambil kesempatan atas situasi kamu Nabila mentang3 x-bf kamu Cina..iye aku lelaki Melayu. Tapi aku nampak cara polis2 […] tu semua nak duit. […] Bukannya tak boleh tangkap, beri teguran dulu. Semua nak tibai duit. Tanggal aje la baju polis tu dan pakai baju peminta sedekah. Kalau hidup zaman Jepun dulu..muka2 ni la yang kita nampak akan jadi tali barut. […]
girl says
girl, u better jaga ur maruah. Tak kisah lah zaman apa skali pun, u also bsalah dalam hal ni. Kalau u pakai baju sopan mungkin la dia orang tak kacau. Kalau u tak cium dgn mamat tu mungkin la dia orang tak kan ambil kesempatan. Jadi, cnclusion, take care of yourself woman.
Kasvini says
My god, this is so scary. To be harrassed like that by these people. Never leave home without your phone, IC and PEPPER SPRAY! aiyoo.. always remember your guardian’s number too. That much I learned. Hehe.. me Chindian, so gotta be prepared for this kinda thing.
liz says
Kembalilah kepada Al-Quran, dan bertaubat sebelum terlambat…
Syasha says
Huhuhu, the story is interesting but the police is too much. […] So any Chinese man interested in Malay girl here?? Hahahaha .. I LOVE Chinese man, too 😛
Iain says
Nabila – you’ve really got some nerve and I admire you for it. I had an experience that was similarly unpleasant for my Malay girl-friend years ago (probably in 1989), although not as bad as yours. I was walking with my girl-friend from the Lake Gardens back to the centre of KL. At the bottom of Jln. Parlimen there was a police cadet academy (don’t know if it’s still there.) Two young police cadets saw us coming as they stood on the pavement. As we approached they said in Malay (which I do not speak) “Oh, his must be bigger than ours: that’s why you’re going out with him.” My girl-friend’s face turned red with anger and embarrassment. She only told me what they said after 3 weeks of persuasion and begging from me. She was embarrassed on behalf of her race and people: she did not imagine that Malays could be so mean and rude. I guess that things haven’t changed.
Sunna Sutta says
No wonder he is your ex-boyfriend. You have more balls than that guy!
Bud455 says
If it is so important that ALL Islamic rules be observed by ALL Muslims, then Malaysian royalty [cannot be exempted]. […]
[Do all Malaysian royalty observe] the Islamic rules which JAKIM, JAIS and etc impose on the normal Muslim-on-the-street?
[Is there any] difference of treatment ? Are they [in any way] exempted from observing the rules they are supposed to defend ?
Guy says
True Malaysian this woman is. Apparently the law of Malaysia itself is tearing itself apart.
Eina Yusof says
I am a Malay Muslim woman. I am proud of my religion and I am in love with my spirituality. Yes, it is true in Islam we are required to ‘amar maaruf nahir mungkar’ yet Islam is a religion of peace, where compassion reigns. And [it is] just to all beings, both Muslims and non-Muslims.
As much as I am a Muslim and I want to exercise my act of ‘amar maaruf nahi mungkar’ on Ms. Nabila by denouncing her and stamping her as ‘sinful’, ‘shameful’, ‘liberal’ and all those curious labels – it only points deeply back at me on my own behaviour – how I could be so [harsh] when my religion calls greatly for compassion? Where is the voice of compassion? As big her ‘sins’ are, who am I to say, for I am only one of many of God’s servants. As such, who am I to go judging her? Only Allah knows best.
And how unjust would I be if I looked with the eyes of hate towards her, standing here to correct her yet, I forgot the big bullies. The policemen bullying her friend — is this an allowed Muslim act? And extortion and asking for a bribe, isn’t that also haram in Islam? Causing distress to her and her boyfriend – isn’t this an act of bullying and also wrong?
I feel sad that she had to go through all the bullying by the police because finally it’s about money and I pray that being a woman, she will be guided and receive enlightenment, Insha Allah, so that in future she will see, most consequences are the results of our very own act.
Masha Allah, only Allah knows best.
Flag of Truth says
Honestly, I am quite sick of reading this article again and again, just because there is a recent comment on it. First of all, she ADMITTED to being in a close proximity situation with her ex-bf and that is wrong. Not just morally wrong but also wrong in Islam. I can see that the majority of commentators have criticised other commentators that claim that her action is just plainly wrong. Let’s take a look at the facts before supporting blindly any claim of injustice by her:
a. She admitted to kissing in a car alone with her bf. I will not debate this fact further.
b. She claimed that she suspected that there are few accounts of injustice made by the policeman or whoever that she suspected as being a ‘religious officer’. I believe that we have our own civil law in this country where no one should be found guilty of any offense unless proven guilty by a court of law. Now, has she pursued her case before the courts? There are two possibilities in her accusation; that the policeman did indeed threaten and blackmail her and her ex-bf OR she just made it up. This is a basic defence mechanism and retaliation (because of what the authorities did to her that embarrassed her).
I believe she should file a case in court and seek justice. I am not sure what is The Nut Graph’s intention in keeping this article and even more, the headline of this article alone is provocative.
By the way, there is nothing special about the Chinese penis. Please don’t censor this because I want it to be known 🙂
Adam says
Well, by adding another comment to this article, you would be tormenting yourself further. I am now adding to your torment by keeping this article alive.
It has been exactly 3 years since the article has been written and it has garnered an impressive over 100K hits with 280 comments and counting. No doubt the title is provocative and out of the ordinary but it is relevant to the article and chosen to capture the attention of readers. I myself have been captivated by the title and have put in my fair share of comments as well.
As for your last sentence, I must say one would not know if it is special or not unless one has experienced it. Special, I know not but definitely it has an “extra” skin attached. Most people would prefer to keep what God has given while all Muslims and Jews would remove it on His “command”. Editor, please do not censor this last paragraph as it is at least relevant to the title even if not the article. Cheers.
Flag of Truth says
Well, I am speaking the truth. [There] is nothing special about the Chinese penis 🙂 And I wonder why the article should use this as its headline. Why can’t it be something else? Clearly its intention is to provoke 🙂 Well let’s say The Nut Graph publishes another article that says something nice about the Malay penis (I doubt it will ever be published 🙂 and see how the comments change here.
And for some reason, I have to respond because The Nut Graph has not deleted it and sadly it has become the most read article on the website. And this article is totally rubbish. Who is this [woman] actually? And what credibility does she have that we should believe her story at all? There are no charges made by her and her ex-bf about her allegations but she confirms that he actually bribed the authority and most commentators just criticised the authority? The article is purely rubbish, one-sided and imbalance. It shouldn’t be published in the first place.
Adam says
Aiya FoT, please go and read the article again and get real sick once more. The title was taken from the question asked by the officers. Or would you prefer the title to be her answer which was “Yes, it’s delicious and I love it!”? Do you feel like fainting or perhaps, vomiting?
Editor’s note: To all commenters on this thread, kindly stick to the topic of the article which is about the abuse of power, unprofessionalism, harassment and extortion by the officers.
JW Tan says
Flag of Truth, applying your logic would be like saying that the death of N. Dharmendran in custody is about Indian people being accident prone. Of course, this is ridiculous. It has nothing to do with Chinese penis and everything to do with PDRM incompetency, bullying and brutality.
Flag of Truth says
# JW Tan
If it has nothing to do with Chinese penis, then why must it be the article’s headline? This article is imbalanced, it only has a one-sided story. Purely ridiculous, maybe its intention is to provoke. Next time The Nut Graph wants to publish an article here, I would suggest that this factor is taken into consideration.
PS: If a person feels that the authorities have abused the power given to them, my advice is, find a lawyer and go to the court. If Nabila doesn’t have the money I think that there are lots of lawyers out there ( willing to exploit this issue) and surely they are willing to do it pro bono or for free :).
Marc says
The title is as such because it reveals how crass, crude, rude and racist the Malaysian police can be, especially when dealing with cases like this (which is ridiculous in itself). And it does reveal something about the mentality of the individuals who made that comment – that it’s surprising a Malay girl is with a Chinese guy. By asking that question, they show that they’re thinking that their “manhood” is better than Chinese peoples’ “manhoods” etc. It’s a double-edged sword.
The article exists because it exposes how hypocritical these “moral” police are – first asking for bribes and then bullying a young woman by asking her disgusting questions about her private life.
I’m sorry, but I really don’t understand what you don’t get. Sure, it’s a sensationalized title, but it sure is justified.
Pak Su says
True enough. There is absolutely nothing special about a Chinese, Malay, Indian, Iban, Kadazan or Orang Asli penis. The fact that there is even a differentiation in level of manhood according to racial/religious background basically shows a neo-Nazi, KKK type of ethnic/religious supremacism, which is outright abhorring and misogynistic.
Marc says
And Flag of Truth – if you really have an issue with this article, stop commenting on it. I’ve forgotten about it (because it is more than 3 years old) and your commenting on it has actually reminded me of its existence!!
Pak Su says
It’s been ages and Flag of Truth is clearly a crybaby that has not grown up yet.
JW Tan says
It’s the headline because it’s a quote. You know, with quotation marks, “, like they teach you in school.
Flag of Truth says
# Marc,
You don’t get it don’t you?. As long as the article is here, it will always be read and it is a very biased article. We must be responsible for our actions. This Nabila has an accusation and instead of bringing it up to the proper authorities, she chose to go to The Nut Graph and have it published. Now what is the basis of this accusation? How do we know that the police did something that is out of their jurisdiction? By listening to this Nabila? Pure crap.
You guys says that the policeman and the authorities are corrupt, but what makes me sick is the individuals that give consent (by giving the bribe). Sure there are rotten eggs in one basket, but in this case corruption will not happen just with people with authority but also with the people who give the bribe – for whatever reason.
Hypocrisy – championing moral rights but at the same time defending the perpetrator. Shame on you all.
PS: Unless Miss Nabila or her coward ex-bf file a case against these alleged policeman and religious officers, I will say that this thing never happened. A person is not guilty unless proven otherwise.
stewoolf says
Let’s not let our ethnic and/or religious identities confine and cloud our judgement. Imagine if Ms N was a Chinese. Her ex a Malay-Muslim. And the policemen Indian Hindus. So, who’s guilty??
Was the Chinese boyfriend as innocent as the three enforcement officials as no court of law has found him guilty??
As no court of law has found TNG guilty of anything for publishing this article, I thus, believe Ms N’s allegation as the truth. Nothing but the truth. Cheers.
Flag of Truth says
# Steewolf
Lol.. no court of law has found TNG and also Miss Nabila and her ex bf guilty? What a joke :). I can see that you are really confused (or saja buat tak tau). I have laid out all the facts. Miss Nabila and her coward ex bf should file a case against the alleged policeman and religious authority. And did TNG, DAP, MCA, MIC or even PKR or UMNO help her or her ex to seek justice in the court of law?. I know you all know the answer, so stop being hypocrites and stop defending what is not right.
I can see that some people can go to certain extent just to justify something that they believe. Even if it is not right. After post GE13, everything about racial issues are sensitive. I have always written in my previous comments here in TNG, that we must be responsible for our actions. Now you reap what you sow. I can sense that the majority of the Malays are not happy with the Chinese, surely not because of their penis 🙂 but because of their hidden agenda. Seriously. We should not jeopardise everything in the name of GREED. 🙂
stewoolf says
Ms Nabila’s is a case of her words against the police’s as no physical evidence is available and her ex-boyfriend, the key witness is not co-operating. So she redresses her case in the court of public opinion.
You imply that this article is a made-up case to put down Malay-Muslims. Why not state your argument clearly so all can discuss it in this open court of public opinion.
While the MSM fail to forge cross-ethnic and religious understanding, maybe TNG can. Subject to legal liability and sensible decency, TNG has been generous and open-minded in publishing comments.
Flag of Truth says
# steewolf
The burden of proof is not with me. It should be provided by the TNG and also Miss Nabila Nasir and her coward ex bf :).
This is not a tabloid media. Any article from a responsible journalist should be vetted so that it will be balanced and not just based on any baseless allegation.
Like I said, try to change the headline (of the article) with the word ‘Malay’. I bet you will be the first to say that it is meant to put down Chinese :).
Like I said, the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not me :).
JW Tan says
No, this is another point where you are wrong.
The press has a role to play in exposing such things. In a democratic society a citizen does not have to seek justice in court, or by making a police report. Especially in cases like this, where the citizen is seeking redress against the very institution that purports to protect her. Why should Nabila trust the police? After all, they are the people who harrassed her in the first place.
That is why a free press is essential to the working of a fair and just society. These things are exposed so that the guilty and the corrupt among our institutions are punished.
Flag of Truth says
# Steewolf and JW Tan
Miss Nabila and her […] ex bf have not filed any report against the alleged authority. Not a single one. How can you be sure that she is innocent? How can you [be] sure that these allegations are not made to embarrass the authority? [Were] you there at the alleged crime scene?. You know the answer.
There are some people who just refuse to look at the facts.
And worse, they said that the authorit[ies] are corrupted, but when they [get] robbed by thieves, guess where they will turn? […] The same institution that they mocked.
Flag of Truth says
# Stewolf
How are you sure that there is no evidence or proof? Even in a situation where there is a lack of evidence I am sure people with dignity will want to file a report. Not just act cowardly like what these two people did. Go and file a report.. what is so difficult about that? Unless these allegations are not true :).
# JW Tan
Why did you say that democratic people do not have to seek justice in the court? What planet are you on now?This is clearly a misuse of power, if according to these two people. You have a really different concept of democracy. It’s like suggesting that people should not trust the authorities and make their own judgement.
Free press doesn’t mean that they can write whatever they want. They have to make sure that these allegation have basis and furthermore, the article must be balanced.
JW Tan says
My concept of democracy stems from the Athenian ideal, informed by the workings of today’s successful liberal democracies. Yours seems to be the hollow kind promulgated by successful dictators such as Lee Kuan Yew, Vladimir Putin and Robert Mugabe.
Of course people should not trust the authorities and make their own judgement. That is what a democratic system is – holding those in power to account. As for your assertion that a free press does not mean that the press can write whatever they want, I’m afraid, that as far as politicians and the government are concerned, they can. It should be up to other, independent institutions with clear charters to regulate the press.
Pak Su says
Gosh it’s been 3 years and some quarters like Flag of Truth are still crying foul about TNG being anti-Malay/Muslim, hidden Chinese agenda, yadayada… time to grow up and move on, man.
Flag of Truth says
# Pak Su
Well I suggest that you or TNG publish an article about how good the Malay penis is 🙂 Then we’ll see who will cry. I dare you :).
As long as people open the TNG website and the article is still here for people to see, then people will comment on it.
I am saying that the headline alone is provocative. An article must be balanced. This is not an entertainment website. The editorial team should realise this before creating the headline. Or I think the author or whoever the editor is, should join Kosmo Newspaper.
Pak Su says
I don’t know why you are so hung up about the Malay penis. Anyway I’m not interested in something as gibberish and mundane as how good a Malay penis is, and I don’t think TNG is either. If you like Malay penis so much you can go publish your own article, though I seriously doubt anybody will give you any attention.
Flag of Truth says
# Pak Su
Then stop talking about Chinese penis. :). You see when I touched the issue of a certain race’s penis, then certain quarters will cry up. So wake up :).
If you don’t want other people to belittle you, then stop belittling others. […]
JW Tan says
The only person talking about penises is you I’m afraid.
The article is about sexual and criminal harassment by Malaysian policemen. The title is a quote (lest you are confused, it is a term allegedly used by said policemen). The discussion is about why this behaviour is wrong and what can be done about it.
You appear to be one of few, and the only person 3 years after the article was published, to obsess about penises and which ethnic group has better ones. I suggest you seek help.
Flag of Truth says
# JW Tan
What a view! :). It doesn’t matter whether the article is 3 years old or 300 years old. As long as it is provocative 🙂 and worse still, people keep on reading it (because The Nut Graph allows it). It is unbalanced, that is the truth.
Who in the first place started all this? :). You know the answer 🙂
JW Tan says
Yes, the article is provocative, and yes, it makes me angry, because such harassment by the Malaysian police is quite common and mostly goes unpunished. I bet that’s why people continue to read and comment.
You seem to be the only person who finds it provocative because it contains the word ‘penis’ though. Everyone else seems to be mature enough to not fixate on the mention of genitalia. Grow up, or seek help, or better, do both.
Marc says
Guys. seriously, stop feeding the troll (i.e. Flag person).
Pak Su says
It’s been ages and that said person is still crying over spilt milk and is unnecessarily occupied by penises. Too bad.
Flag of Truth says
# JW Tan
I am against this article. You said you are angry at the authorities when in fact there is no solid evidence to proof this matter. What is the basis of your reaction then? 🙂
JW Tan says
You are against this article for no good reason. It challenges your biases, your misunderstanding of the role the media plays in democratic society, and your obsession with penises.
Ivy Choo says
Chinese, Malay atau Indian….. kita semua satu Malaysia… yang berbeza hanya hati dan pemikiran.. semua orang ada kesalahan masing-masing.. yang penting diri sendiri tahu bertanggungjawab dan sedar kesalahan sendiri.. jangan tahu pandang kesalahan orang lain ya..
Ivy choo says
Saya tak faham la…dari masalah pasal penis…tapi sampai menyebut pasal kaum…sebut la tentang different man have different penis!
Tuhan ciptakan manusia berbeza-beza setiap orang! Bukan setiap kaum! Weird!
Beng says
I probably read this article 3 years ago. Funnily, every time I come to this site, the topic sits right at the top of most viewed. So today I thought I’d come by and see the comments. I think the attraction towards the title itself is proof of what goes on in our minds. So, there is a dilemma –
a) to ‘hide’ this article and go against the democratic freedom of the internet
b) to allow the article to remain amongst the top read articles even though there are much more well-written pieces?
This reminds me of my visit to the Louvre in Paris where I purposely avoided the Mona Lisa to spend more time viewing much more well-thought and well-painted pieces whilst other clambered just to get a view of the famous girl.