Our electoral system is in a mess, the People’s Tribunal organised by Bersih 2.0 heard recently. How did it get this way and who is responsible for our compromised electoral system?
Archives for September 2013
Ulama Perempuan
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiAPAKAH benar ulama perempuan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan Islam? Bukankah terdapat lebih dari 8,000 perawi hadith wanita? Mengapa jarang diwar-warkan pada umat Islam? Mengapa isu kepimpinan wanita masih diperdebatkan di kalangan dunia Islam di era millenium ini?
Wishing for another 13 May
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinThere are groups who seem to be spoiling for another 13 May to happen in Malaysia. Whether they are politicians from Umno or non-state actors, the signs are mounting that another racial clash is what these individuals and groups want to have happen. What are these signs?
Changing land titles: Of ‘long stories’ and anomalies
Ampersand by KW MakONE of the great mysteries of urban development and local governance is how land titles change. Such is the case of a plot in Taman Aman, Petaling Jaya. Former MBPJ councillor KW MAK traces the issue.