RANAU Member of Parliament (MP) Datuk Siringan Gubat’s response to the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project, which asks all 222 MPs six questions.
(Source: parlimen.gov.my)
Name: Siringan Gubat
Constituency: Ranau
Party: Upko
Years as MP: Since 2008
Government position: None
Party position: Vice-president
Membership in parliamentary committees or caucus:
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Asean Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
Blog/website: http://p179ranau.blogspot.com
Original deadline: 4 May 2010
Responses submitted: 11am, 12 May 2010
Would you support the abolition/review of the Internal Security Act, in particular the provision that allows for detention without trial? Why or why not?
There should be a review to prevent misuse of the Act.
Do you think Malaysia should be a secular or an Islamic state? Why?
I think Malaysia should remain as it is now.
How do you define your role as an elected MP? Does Parliament provide you with the necessary infrastructure and support to fulfill your role?
I speak my mind without fear or favour. More facilities should be given according to changing conditions [and] times.
Would you support a Freedom of Information Act? Why or why not?
I support a Freedom of Information Act, but with limits. It must not infringe on human rights. It must take into account the privacy of the individual, such as banking information, and the government’s confidential matters.
If there was one thing you could do to strengthen parliamentary democracy in Malaysia, what would it be?
The Election Commission should be 100% independent, or be placed under an act of Parliament.
Do you believe in separation of powers between the government, Parliament and judiciary? Why or why not?
We have separation of powers already. It all depends on [whether] it is properly followed.
For other MP responses, see Full MP list
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