BARELY a month after taking office, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration has wielded the Sedition Act — this time on academic and The Nut Graph columnist Wong Chin Huat. Few details have been released on the reasons and details of Wong’s arrest. As of today, he has been remanded for a day and is likely to be released this evening.
Malaysians are no stranger to the Sedition Act. Under Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s administration, from 2008 to 2009 alone, the Act was used against bloggers Raja Petra Kamaruddin and Sheih Kickdefella, and DAP chairperson Karpal Singh. In the last days of Tun Mahathir Mohamad’s administration, online news portal Malaysiakini was also targeted under the Act.
It’s important to note that historically in the US, for example, sedition laws were used to stifle political dissent.
Of course, the Sedition Act in Malaysia has its own definition of what is a “seditious tendency“. But readers would know by now that Six Words On… is not about boring legalese. It’s about being creative, pithy, and fun. The aim is definition, not … ahem … sedition.
To start the ball rolling, here is what The Nut Graph team has churned out so far:
Cindy Tham:
A government that brooks no dissent.
The concept of sedition is undemocratic.
Gan Pei Ling:
Baffled Malaysians: “Why arrest democracy’s defender?”
Police: “He’s seditious. We said it.”
Rakyat’s eyes are crystal clear, tuan.
Black for Malaysia. Black for Wong.
Jacqueline Ann Surin:
Why resort to an archaic law?
An easy way to stifle dissent.
Police actions reflect poorly on BN.
Who is afraid of an academic?
Shanon Shah:
Arresting Wong won’t make it right.
Cannot *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* the monarchy.
Made in Britain. Worn in Malaysia.
Testing citizenship the Barisan Nasional way.
Seriously? Arrested? For promoting black apparel?
Zedeck Siew:
“I think—” “Seditious behaviour! Arrest him!”
Give us your take on sedition in the comments section below.
See also Six Words On…
Chua Soi Lek
The Nut Graph is seditious … not!
Inspired by Ernest Hemingway‘s genius, the Six Words On… section challenges readers to give us their comments about a current issue, contemporary personality or significant event in just six words. The idea is to get readers engaged in an issue that The Nut Graph identifies, while having fun and being creatively disciplined.
Michelle Gunaselan says
Wong Chin Huat for the win!
Sivin Kit says
Black Beauty has gone into hiding.
Sonia says
You’re guilty, I’m guilty, everybody’s guilty!
Chingachcook says
Last of the Mohicans – Hawkeye seditious!
Naoko says
Sedition arrest = 15 minutes fame.
Hello sedition, goodbye freedom of thought!
Watch out! I think she’s seditious!
terri says
Devils speechless before champions of truth.
Karin says
Join me in the Black Parade!
Jason Sim says
Democracy in third world country – fail.
Jason Sim says
“Let’s wear blac-” “Sedition! Arrest him!”
“Altantu-” “Another seditious blogger! Arrest him!”
menj says
A black day for Malaysia indeed.
Noel Dass says
Sedition … humbug! Ketuanan rakyat! Malaysia boleh!
amir says
Black seditious? Lim Kok Wing, hide!
In 2009, two Wongs became targets.
Anagram for ‘sedition’: “Not I? Dies!”
siew eng says
Happy birthday to the murdered Mongolian.
Pat Fong says
Telling king he is naked? Brave.
Fahmi Fadzil says
1Malaysia + Sedition Act = fail!
Nina S says
As Buffy would say, over-reaction much?
Having a different opinion = sedition.
Arion Yeow says
Lame excuse. Angry voters. Instant fame.
Pratamad says
Sedition, as defined by the government.
Long Lim says
To be safe, don’t mention black.
To be safer, don’t mention HRH.
To be safest, don’t mention demosntrations.
Pratamad says
“Thursday, wear black” – seditious! Arrest him.
“Happy birthday Altantuya” – seditious! Arrest them.
“1BlackMalaysia, Democracy first, elections now” – seditious!
“1Malaysia, people first, performance now” – OK?
shefah says
Seditious – a dish best served cold.
pang says
“Pa, why are the innocents punished?”
“Because the guilty are in power.”
Alex TheBackpackr says
Two Wongs don’t make it right.
Lainie says
Orange jumpsuits are the new black.
kamal says
Seditious in black, who would’ve thought!
The Lord Panda? says
He had a goat one, aaah?
That’s for giving me a D.
Ben’s Bitches, Ben’s Bitches, Ben’s Bitches.
Ramones Rarities: I Wanna Be Seditious .
Let’s hang out at Paul’s Place.
Samy: dada sedition seperti valium, merbahaya!
The Panda Head Curry? are sexy.
cruzeiro says
ISA + Police Act = Guilty
Pat Fong says
Unclothed emperor: Peasants belong in dungeons!
Pat Fong says
Dark days are descending upon us.
elaine says
Black forest cake on Black Thursday.
Speak no more, write no more!
K S Ong says
1BlackMalaysia cannot outshine 1Malaysia, it’s illegal.
Daniel says
All comments are subject to sedition.
Some people are just soooooo paranoid.
Nobody should follow any arbitrary rule.
ylchong says
Johnny Cash: Walk the sedition line.
myop101 says
Democracy is a lame joke here.
myop101 says
Democracy in name, application not included.
myop101 says
Some are more equal than others.
Beth Yahp says
Be white sheep, speak black lies.
Sedition? Be ‘friendly’, or shut up!
1Malaysia? Be ‘friendly’ or locked up.
aitze says
Sedition it ain’t. Right or Wong?
Edmund Ngo says
Yellow cannot. Black cannot. Democracy? Cannot!
Jen says
Cry sodomy no. Blackwell’s list yes.
I say. You say. No way.
Quah kok seng says
Too much freedom threatens multiracial society.
Dr. Thinker says
Provoke and protest on Wong’s arrest.
An academic treated like a thug.
No accountability, no transparency, no loyalty.
Hanan says
I wonder what he has been teaching his students. The school should act immediately.
KohJL says
“Review ISA” means switch to “Sedition”;
And sedition means to “sedate dissension”
Jason Sim says
Attack of the Zambry Kampung Pisang.
raguel says
Criticize autocratic government: PM, BN , Umnoputras.
ken says
Police state full proof, Black Malaysia
Lainie says
1Malaysia: where the crooks roam free.