LOCAL council meetings can stretch on for four to five hours.
Many issues arising from the non-adherence of the law by the previous government need the current administration’s attention. At times when the debate gets ridiculously long-winded or totally diverges from the topic at hand, I sketch.
This drawing habit comes from my love for comics, and was honed during my many years as a journalist. Arriving on time at an event that was to be launched by a politician sometimes meant waiting for an hour or more. That usually left me with plenty of time to kill.
The following drawings were done in the council boardroom, and in between writing letters to various local council departments to ensure that public complaints were addressed.
The drawings in this set are of the main character for my comic book, which I hope to work on one day.
MBPJ councillor KW Mak is still busy researching the legal issues related to property development, and hopes to present another report soon. He wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year.
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Mikazuki says
An inovative way to survive a long winded meeting when they ramble on and on about nothing. Might try this in my next class…but the problem is my drawing sucks big time.
Good luck on your work/research and of course the comic book
nocturne says
Nice to see [that] doodling has not become a lost art form. It must’ve been a very long meeting since the sketches are detailed.
But if you are serious about squeezing a comic out of those sketches then I would like to offer my services as an inker XD
Patrick says
Nice one. I usually bring a book to read, although in long, boring meetings, you can’t really read one. So I do some writing. Makes me look like I’m taking notes.
KW Mak says
@ Mikazuki (translates as crescent moon?)
Practice makes perfect, as they say – I spent years doodling before I could draw like this… and I still believe I’ve got lots of room to improve… so please, just draw when you have the time. I’m sure your artwork would improve lots with practice.
@ nocturne
Thanks for the offer. I am strictly an amateur though and the comic book project is purely to satiate my dream of penning a comic book. So if I do get round to doing it, I would like to do it from start to finish on my own. And yes, the meeting was a long one.
@ Patrick
I write too. Some of my sketches have lots of hiragana words doodled at the side like ‘tsumaranai’, ‘nemui’ and my all time favourite ‘baka baka baka baka!’. :-p
Eileen Lim Thong says
Never knew Mak had this hidden talent. Your drawing is really good. She lives!!! Go for it.