HOW reliable is the recent claim by Perak mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria that a political party was drafting a new constitution threatening the special position of Malay Malaysians? In 2006, he had also spread unfounded allegations that Muslims had been converted and were to be baptised.
The consequences of bad habits
By Nick ChooWITH the state of affairs in Malaysia today, one wonders what it would take for extremists to get riled up over what they might deem “inappropriate” and “sensitive” content. What kind of situation or context might pose a threat to those who fear encroachment upon their faith, and who only know how to react through […]
Right to go to court over “Allah”
By Ding Jo-Ann(Pic by Nikolai Mamluke / Dreamstime) THE argument that Malaysians are being asked to accept over the “Allah” issue sounds like this: “Muslims are the majority in this country. In a democracy, the majority’s wishes should be prioritised. Christians may have the right to use the word ‘Allah’, but why do it when it provokes […]
Catholics lodge report against Al Islam
By Deborah LohPETALING JAYA, 10 July 2009: The two Catholics who lodged a police report against the Al Islam magazine over an article in which the journalist took the holy communion wafer out of his mouth and photographed it, have started a peaceful protest campaign against the magazine. Joachim Francis Xavier and Sundhagaran Stanley, from Penang, are […]