KALAU dulu hanya PAS yang menjadikan hudud dan negara Islam sebagai simbol identiti partinya, sekarang ada pemimpin Umno pun mahu ikut serta dalam permainan itu. Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kemelah Datuk Ayub Rahmat dalam sidang dewan undangan negeri Johor baru-baru ini mencadangkan agar Johor menjadi negeri pertama di Malaysia melaksanakan hukum hudud “sebenar” yang berbeza […]
Salah perempuankah atau otak kamu yang porno?
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiTIDAK memahami sesuatu tidak bermakna benda itu salah. Mungkin cara pandang kita yang perlu diubah dan beralih sedikit agar dapat melihat kedudukan perkara dari perspektif yang berbeza. Baru-baru ini, satu kumpulan balet asing tidak dibenarkan membuat pertunjukan. Walaupun Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan berkata dia sendiri gemar menonton balet, namun dikatakan mengikut pegawainya yang bertangunggjawab meluluskan […]
Zaid Ibrahim: “It will get better”
By Shanon ShahLAWYER-turned-politician Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim, 60, knows that politics can be a dirty game. He joined Umno and won the Kota Baru parliamentary seat in the 2004 general election. The party did not field him for the 2008 elections, however. After winning with a severely reduced majority, the ruling coalition under Prime Minister Tun Abdullah […]
Cerai, sebat dan hudud
Asam Pedas Oleh Norhayati KaprawiPASANGAN yang bercerai “tanpa sebab munasabah” akan dipenjara atau disebat. Begitulah cadangan kerajaan PAS Kelantan. Haruskah kita terkejut apabila cadangan sedemikian datang dari orang-orang yang obses tentang pelaksanaan hukuman hudud? Dari dulu lagi, mereka sudah proaktif membuat draf undang-undang bagi melaksanakan hudud. Namun, apakah mereka telah proaktif dalam membuat kajian dan kertas cadangan misalannya bagaimana […]
Hudud and freedom of religion
Reductio ad Absurdum by Chan Kheng HoeMUCH has been said about hudud law. I take my hat off to Muslims who have come out openly to oppose its implementation. It must take a lot of courage to stand against conventional wisdom and religious teachings, and these people must be applauded. However, that does not make me anti-hudud. On the contrary, I […]
Uncommon Sense with Wong Chin Huat: De-politicising hudud
By Deborah LohHUDUD. One is either for or against its implementation in Malaysia – or so the prevailing political discourse goes. But what are we missing in between? Have proponents of hudud adequately justified their position, and how they would apply the Islamic penal code in today’s society? Can those who oppose it ever imagine a human […]
Whose hudud?
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinIF we were to believe everything the politicians are saying about hudud, we would come to three conclusions. One, that implementing the punishments prescribed under hudud is divine law that no Muslim can question, and hence is inevitable. Two, that hudud cannot be implemented in Malaysia because of the Federal Constitution and our multi-cultural composition. […]
Hudud, and more
By Yow Hong ChiehTHE current conversation about PAS’s plans for an Islamic state and the ipso facto imposition of syariah is incomplete. With everyone latching onto hudud as the locus for debate, it would seem the larger picture has been obscured somewhat. This inquiry into the implications of syariah will begin with an examination of a couple of […]
Islam beyond hudud
By Aloysious MoweWHEN I read the opinions and exchanges with regard to hudud in Malaysia, my head begins to hurt. Women write about their fear of being forced to wear the tudung if hudud were to be implemented. Others use the example of gambling as support for the introduction of hudud. Opponents have cited the persecution of […]
Why just hudud?
By Jacqueline Ann SurinIT is understandably very easy to demonise PAS for its Islamic state agenda. After all, the party leadership seems quite adept at declaring its intentions to implement some features of an Islamic state, such as hudud, at the most inopportune moments. In a global climate of Islamophobia and because of Muslims acting out of a […]