After six years, The Nut Graph will cease publication from tomorrow onwards, making this column the last one to be published. Editor and co-founder Jacqueline Ann Surin explains why and highlights some achievements.
Hwa Yue-Yi
A place for affirmative action
Work in Progress by Hwa Yue-YiPrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has announced a new set of affirmative action policies under the Bumiputera Economic Empowerment (BEE) agenda. Does Malaysia need race-based development policies?
Surviving the sedition season
Work in Progress by Hwa Yue-YiIt seems sedition season is upon us again, with accusations flying back and forth about insulting religions and destroying national unity. Our leaders seem intent on engaging in divisive rhetoric, but how should Malaysians respond?
Breaking the cycle of polarised politics
Work in Progress by Hwa Yue-YiGE13 has come and gone, but the partisan blame game continues. How do we “move on”? Are more rallies the answer? The challenge really is for the rakyat to be more democratic than either the government or the opposition – in the hope that, over time, our politicians will follow our lead.
Where does Malaysia go from GE13?
Work in Progress by Hwa Yue-YiSOME countries move from relatively democratic systems to more authoritarian ones such as Malaysia in the 1970s. Others from authoritarianism toward democracy. What can the experiences of these other countries tell us about where we go from GE13? And what choices lie ahead of those who want change?
Voting in London
By Hwa Yue-YiWHILE voting in London went relatively smoothly on 28 April, some voters discovered a printed full-stop against the name of a candidate in their ballot papers. Hwa Yue-Yi writes from the United Kingdom on the voting process in London.
Why every vote matters
Work in Progress by Hwa Yue-YiIT’S more than just a numbers game. Votes don’t just count at the ballot box. Voting is also a symbolic affirmation of your right to participate in your country’s politics, writes Hwa Yue-Yi.
“Allah” issue: The battle over Bahasa
Work in Progress by Hwa Yue-YiThe “Allah” issue is likely to spark partisan jockeying and deep division until we build consensus on a fundamental question. Is our national language of Bahasa Melayu – or is it Bahasa Malaysia – the language of all Malaysians or does it just belong to those who profess Islam and practice Malay customs?
Making elections better
Work in Progress by Hwa Yue-YiUnderneath the team colours and the performance, the cheering and the competition – whether in the US or in Malaysia – what are elections good for? And how can they be improved?
Being Malaysia, truly Malaysia
By Hwa Yue-YiIt’s been 49 years since Malaysia became a nation, when Tunku Abdul Rahman said that 10 million people of many races now join hands in freedom and unity. But even back then, the vision of what was to become Malaysia was contested. What remains of the vision of Malaysia today? And how do we celebrate Malaysia Day as Malaysians?