What do the recent attacks on Malaysiakini, the Federal Court, Teresa Kok and Comango tell us about what is going on in Malaysia? And how do we know that these attacks constitute an attempt at nurturing anarchy in the country?
Ibrahim Ali
Taking on Ibrahim Ali
By Petra GimbadOne of the police reports lodged against Datuk Ibrahim Ali for his Bible-burning exhortation was made by a citizens’ initiative. Why would these individuals attempt to take the Perkasa chief on?
New year resolutions for the BN
Uncommon Sense by Wong Chin HuatIT’S a new year and the countdown to the next general election has begun, expected within the next 100 days. What new year resolutions should political parties be making to perform well at the impending elections?
Squaring Najib’s statements on “pendatang” and the Malay agenda
By Ding Jo-AnnPrime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recently told Chinese Malaysians they are “citizens with full rights” and that those who call them pendatang are “lunatics”. But how do Chinese Malaysians having “full rights” accord with the “Malay agenda” that Najib also claims to champion? To what threat is Najib referring when he warns Malay Malaysians that they may become squatters in their own land? And what has Najib said previously about organisations such as Perkasa that have openly chastised Chinese Malaysians for being ungrateful to the Umno-led government?
Puasa dari makan nasi, wang dan orang
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiUNTUK pertama kalinya saya menyambut Ramadan di Indonesia, negara yang mempunyai rakyat beragama Islam yang teramai di dunia. Lebih kurang 90% dari penduduknya yang seramai 270 juta orang ini beragama Islam. Namun, Indonesia tidak ada undang-undang menghukum orang yang makan dan minum di khalayak ramai semasa bulan puasa. Malah, kegiatan harian diteruskan seperti biasa. Konsert […]
Fighting the likes of Ibrahim Ali and Utusan Malaysia
Holding Court by Ding Jo-AnnPERKASA president Datuk Ibrahim Ali‘s call for a “crusade” against Christians who challenge Islam’s position was disturbing, to say the least. As was the unsubstantiated front-page Utusan Malaysia report that Christian leaders had pledged to make Christianity the official religion of Malaysia. What should be the right response to such hurtful and false speech? Should […]
The making of Ibrahim Ali
By Deborah LohWHATEVER you may think about him, Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali is found in Malaysia, too. The Nut Graph gets a glimpse into what shaped this combative right-wing politician during an interview in his Kuala Lumpur office on 10 Aug 2010. Ibrahim, who is also independent Member of Parliament for Pasir Mas, talks about the […]
Umno’s Perkasa dilemma
By Koh Lay ChinWhat exactly is Umno’s stand on Malay rights group Perkasa? At one time, Umno leaders appeared to lend Perkasa their tacit support. But recently, a few have sought to dissociate Umno from the group. Is there a real split in the party over Perkasa, or is Umno just weighing its rhetoric carefully? However it plays out, Perkasa seems to have caught Umno between a rock and a hard place.
Can non-Muslims enter Muslim houses of worship?
By Ding Jo-AnnSERDANG member of Parliament Teo Nie Ching came under attack recently for visiting and speaking inside the prayer area of a surau on 22 Aug 2010. Umno and Perkasa leaders have accused her of desecrating the surau and not respecting the sanctity of Muslim houses of worship. Is this merely politics? Just what does Islam say about allowing non-Muslims inside mosques and suraus?
The parade of “Muslim sensitivities”: Where is it taking us?
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinAND so Perkasa has made the news again. And this time by its own doing, not because a media bent on sensationalism tried to cultivate the Malay nationalist group in order to increase readership. In the latest of Perkasa moves, its Petaling chairperson, Zainal Abidin Ahmad, lodged a police report against a Protestant church in […]