WANT Muslim unity? Try secularism, suggests political scientist Wong Chin Huat. He looks at the war in Syria and Iraq between Sunnis and Shiites, and at parallels in Malaysia.
Babi, anjing, pondan: Jijik orang Islam Malaysia
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiApakah Islam itu mengajar umat Islam membenci babi, anjing dan pondan sehingga dibenarkan orang Islam mengambil tindakan yang keterlaluan dan tak masuk akal, ataupun yang kejam ke atas mereka?
What are the benefits of hudud?
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinJust what are the benefits of hudud? Its supporters should spell them out so that Malaysians can decide if the Islamic penal code is good for the country, and so that the electorate can make informed assessments about the politicians who are pushing for Malaysia to be an Islamic state.
Kes Ismail Yahya: Ancaman terhadap pengasingan kuasa?
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiBulan Oktober yang lalu, Ketua Hakim Mahkamah Syariah Terengganu didakwa di mahkamah syariah. Datuk Ismail Yahya dituduh menghina dan mempertikaikan Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Terengganu dan arahan Sultan Terengganu mengenai penstrukturan semula majlis tersebut. Apakah yang telah dilakukan oleh seorang ketua hakim mahkamah syariah sehingga dia boleh didakwa sebegini?
Can Noah be banned for being un-Islamic?
Holding Court by Ding Jo-AnnThe movie Noah has been banned in Malaysia because it is deemed un-Islamic to depict a prophet. But is it legal to ban something on the basis that it is un-Islamic? When imposing a ban, what are the appropriate criteria to restrict freedom of expression, which is a constitutionally guaranteed human right?
Bomoh, kebudayaan, Islam dan keadilan
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiUpacara yang dilakukan di KLIA oleh Ibrahim Mat Zin yang mengaku sebagai Raja Bomoh, telah menjadi bahan ejekan samada di dalam dan di luar Negara. Adakah benar amalannya itu sesat atau murtad? Dan apakah yang dikatakan oleh ajaran Islam berkenaan dengan amalan-amalan sebegini?
The importance of “Allah”
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinChristians have been told that they should turn the other cheek and adhere to the ban on the use of “Allah”. Some others have also opined that Christians should back down so that temperatures don’t rise any further over this contentious issue. But the “Allah” issue, if uncontested, has far wider ramifications for all Malaysians than just Christians losing their constitutional right to worship peacefully.
Understanding state government SOPs
Ampersand by KW MakWas the MBPJ inspection of the Bible Society of Malaysia’s premises, right after they had been illegally raided by Jais, justifiable? And what are the larger issues surrouding both the Jais raid and the council’s action?
“Allah”: The PR’s failure
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinIT’S not hard at all to be distressed by the BN federal government over the way the “Allah” issue has developed. That said, following the Jais raid on the Bible Society of Malaysia, it is equally troubling to see the PR’s failure in demonstrating it will and can uphold non-Muslims’ constitutional rights.
Nasihat tentang kalimah yang mengelirukan
Secubit Garam oleh Shanon ShahKak Nora kembali! Nasihat kali ini mengenai benda-benda yang mungkin mengelirukan umat Islam.