KES rampas mayat oleh jabatan agama telahpun mencapai tahap yang baru. Sekarang, ada pula kes di mana jabatan agama Islam telah merampas abu mayat seorang wanita yang didakwa telah memeluk Islam. Dalam kes-kes seperti ini, siapakah yang lebih berhak terhadap mayat orang yang telah meninggal? Dan apakah Islam itu tidak membenarkan si mati dikebumikan oleh ahli-ahli keluarga bukan Islam?
Isu rampas mayat:
Asam Pedas Oleh Norhayati KaprawiBila fatwa jadi bahan nista dan ketawa
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiFATWA yang dianggap suci semakin menjadi bahan nista dan ketawa. Pendapat ulama serta undang-undang yang dibuat oleh para agamawan kerap menjadi kontroversi dan pengharaman bermacam-macam perkara kerap juga buat orang geleng kepala. Apakah sejarah pembentukan fatwa dalam Islam, sebenarnya?
Whose hudud?
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinIF we were to believe everything the politicians are saying about hudud, we would come to three conclusions. One, that implementing the punishments prescribed under hudud is divine law that no Muslim can question, and hence is inevitable. Two, that hudud cannot be implemented in Malaysia because of the Federal Constitution and our multi-cultural composition. […]
The arbitrariness of moral policing
By Shanon ShahCRITICISMS towards moral policing in Malaysia are nothing new. Back in 2005, the Federal Territories Islamic Department came under fire after its infamous raid of Kuala Lumpur’s Zouk nightclub. After the Muslim detainees’ claims of sexual harassment and other abuse by religious enforcers, the government sought to curb moral policing, in rhetoric at least. In […]
Syariah law galore
By Shanon ShahKartika WHEN the Kuantan Syariah High Court sentenced Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno to six lashes of the cane and a fine of RM5,000 for drinking alcohol, some Malaysians were shocked. But many others were not, simply because Malaysians know that there is a separate law for Muslims in Malaysia — syariah law. The syariah legal […]
Fatwas 101
By Shanon ShahIMAM Feisal Abdul Rauf is the imam of Masjid Al-Farah in New York City, barely 12 blocks from the site of the 11 Sept 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre. He is also CEO of the American Society for Muslim Advancement (Asma). Established in 1997, Asma is a Muslim organisation committed to bringing Muslims […]