Notwithstanding that the PJ Local Plan 1 is arguably an invalid document, how has the MBPJ measured up against its own local plan and what does it mean for PJ residents? A former councilor explains.
Who protects PJ ratepayers?
Ampersand by KW MakIN my previous column, I gave examples of how the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) deals with enquiries by giving only verbal instructions. The fact is, there are rules and regulations for everything that falls under the council’s purview. These rules are, however, not made public, and are sometimes kept from councillors as well. The trouble it causes […]
On the runaround with local councils
Ampersand by KW MakHAVING served in the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) for almost four years, I must say that the default image the public has about government officers is that they are corrupt. It is hard not to be categorised as such when there are plenty of news articles that point towards impropriety in both conduct and […]
Objecting to unsound developments
Ampersand by KW MakTHERE is a proposal by the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) to redevelop the PJU1, PJU2, SS and PJS areas of Petaling Jaya (PJ). Details of these proposals are found in the Draft Special Area Plan and the council is invoking Section 16B of the Town and Country Planning Act (TCPA) 1976 for this exercise. […]
What’s the price of PJ’s development?
Ampersand by KW MakIF we think the price of development is traffic jams, we are mistaken. That isn’t the only price people have to pay for so-called progress in the city. The question is, will PJ residents continue to pay the price for development in their city or can measures be taken to avoid these hidden costs?
Is sustainable development possible?
Ampersand by KW MakWHEN residents talk about development in an urban environment, the discussion primarily focuses on ensuing traffic problems for the existing neighbourhood. Developers would, in turn, talk about how they are bringing in much needed economic activity into the area to justify the project. Any discussion without a base framework to start from would invariably lead […]
Wishing for an open society
By Koh Lay ChinR NADESWARAN, better known as Citizen Nades, has spent years as the heart of theSun newspaper’s special and investigative reporting team. An award-winning veteran journalist, Nades has reported about local government issues since he started his career as a reporter with The Malay Mail in 1978. Born in 1952, the 59-year-old has dedicated himself to […]
Watch those high-rise buildings
Ampersand by KW MakONE of my investigations as a Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) councillor has been into the mystery of how the council could allow a 24-storey building to go up when the project only had a planning permission for 22 storeys. I usually begin any investigation by requesting information through official means. Since councillors don’t always […]
Can MBPJ shut down DUMC?
Ampersand by KW MakTHERE’s a rumour making the rounds that the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) will close down the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) in Petaling Jaya (PJ) because the premise was not approved for a church. For certain, the land that DUMC is located on is not designated for a “religious institution” that would permit the […]
Awaiting MBPJ’s answers
Ampersand by KW MakONE might think that as a Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) councillor, getting answers from local authorities and government departments would be relatively easier. It is, in fact, one of the biggest challenges I face. Indeed, even when I receive “answers”, they are seldom satisfactory and instead pose more questions, which, then again, go unanswered. […]