I AM writing on behalf of the Coalition of Residents Associations of Petaling Jaya (Apac) to voice our concerns and objections to the proposed “PJ Sentral” development in Section 52 of Petaling Jaya. On its own, this is a massive development of eight tower blocks of up to 27 floors each, and that’s just Phase […]
How MBPJ flouts the law
Ampersand by KW MakTHE problems of poor and uncoordinated town planning were identified and recognised way back in 2005 when the Federal Town and Country Planning Department produced the National Physical Plan (NPP). The NPP was produced after town planning, which was to be dealt with in state and local plans, ended up being unguided and not in […]
The mess of poor town planning
By KW MakMY previous columns on town planning focused on how the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) did not provide for legally-required green spaces when approving development for the city. Admittedly though, the loss of recreational parks isn’t so big a deal for urbanites since development brings with it the increased potential for economic growth. In fact, […]
Proposed redevelopment in PJ
By KW MakPETALING Jaya ratepayers should take note that the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) has received an application from the Selangor Economic Development Corporation (PKNS) to redevelop its property in Section 52. The proposed site redevelopment will involve demolishing the existing building to construct: • one office block of 27 storeys; • three office/institution blocks between […]
The majority’s wishes
By KW MakTHE Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) recently received a memorandum from the All Petaling Jaya, Selangor Residents Association Coalition (Apac). Apac has demanded that MBPJ does not take action to tear down the boom gates and barricades that have sprung up all over PJ. (Pic by cjung / sxc.hu) The time frame given to MBPJ […]
Why ratepayers complain
By KW MakIN this instalment of Ampersand, I shall detail the extra duties of handling complaints as a councillor. I will explain why the public continues to approach councillors such as myself despite the fact that the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) has a complaints department. The MBPJ also has a 24-hour hotline for complaints. Apart from […]
Tales from a Councillor: Anonymous complaints
By KW MakTHERE are times when people request and demand that I stand up for their rights. But they are reluctant to make the request official, preferring instead to remain anonymous. As always, there are no morals to these stories, save those that readers conclude for themselves. Neighbour’s renovations A lady called up and demanded that I […]
Testing the MBPJ
By KW MakLOCAL government elections seems to be a hot topic in Malaysia’s current political landscape. The belief is that a local council would be more accountable to the taxpaying public if elections are held. The Election Commission, however, will not conduct local government elections because it violates the Local Government Act. So while we are stuck […]
How MBPJ got it wrong
By KW Mak(Pic by moth / Dreamstime) IN the previous instalment of Ampersand, I established that there is a discrepancy between the deposited plan for Petaling Jaya (PJ) and the on-the-ground development in the city. Specifically, I highlighted that areas marked as open space in the deposited plan are now built over with commercial development. In this […]
Sabotaging public interest
By KW MakTHE local council often faces objections and sometimes outright hostility from the people when it needs to enforce the law. Protests by interested parties against enforcement measures, like the removal of illegal barricades, are the norm. In this exciting episode of Ampersand, I shall cover other issues that also face protests from interested parties. Three […]