MUCH has already been said about how MH370’s mystery and tragedy has united the nation. However, the declaration of national unity and the call for citizens to remain united because of the tragedy, by Umno politicians in particular, is hypocritical and duplicitous.
More internet policing in store for Malaysia
The Digital Circus by Bernice LowThe police will be setting up a Cyber Investigation Response Center to be more proactive in curbing “misuse of the internet”. Whilst social media content about the missing MH370 may be the impetus for the police’s plans, the implications for net users will go beyond how social media has been responding to the mystery and tragedy of the Malaysia Airlines plane.
Bomoh, kebudayaan, Islam dan keadilan
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiUpacara yang dilakukan di KLIA oleh Ibrahim Mat Zin yang mengaku sebagai Raja Bomoh, telah menjadi bahan ejekan samada di dalam dan di luar Negara. Adakah benar amalannya itu sesat atau murtad? Dan apakah yang dikatakan oleh ajaran Islam berkenaan dengan amalan-amalan sebegini?