BOTH the PR state governments in Selangor and Penang have passed Freedom of Information (FOI) laws while the BN-led federal government has yet to dismantle the Official Secrets Act. Find out what the different parties think about a citizen’s right to know before heading to the polls on 5 May 2013.
MPs and the ISA
By Gan Pei LingThe Internal Security Act has now been abolished and replaced with the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act. But not all Barisan Nasional MPs were keen on abolishing the ISA. Find out what MPs told The Nut Graph about what they thought about the ISA during the MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project.
MPs and the Islamic state issue
By Ding Jo-AnnSHOULD Malaysia be an Islamic or secular state? The Nut Graph asked 222 MPs this question after the 2008 general election as part of its MP Watch: Eye on Parliament project. Find out what each party in BN and PR thinks about this issue.
The problem with Malay unity
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinOne of the exhortations to Malay Malaysian voters as the general election looms is to vote the party that will ensure Malay and Muslim unity. When politicians, academics and royalty start to promote Malay and Muslim unity, are they peddling an ideal for the nation or a dangerous myth for the masses?
New year resolutions for the BN
Uncommon Sense by Wong Chin HuatIT’S a new year and the countdown to the next general election has begun, expected within the next 100 days. What new year resolutions should political parties be making to perform well at the impending elections?
Wajah Islam di Indonesia dan Malaysia
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiMALAYSIA dan Indonesia ialah dua negara berjiran yang ibarat saudara kandung. Kedua-duanya penduduknya majoriti beragama Islam dan dari rumpun Melayu. Walaupun masyarakatnya banyak persamaan, namun majoriti ulama dan rakyat Indonesia tidak mahukan ‘Negara Islam’ sedangkan ramai ulama dan sebahagian masyarakat Islam di Malaysia menuntut didirikan ‘Negara Islam’ dan melaksanakan hudud. Mengapa begitu?
Voting for an “Islamic state”
Shape of a Pocket by Jacqueline Ann SurinAccording to MCA, a vote for DAP equals a vote for PAS equals a vote for an Islamic state and hudud. Is there truth to any of the charges and predictions MCA is making? And are they being completely honest about what the Umno-led Barisan Nasional itself has been responsible for?
Hudud PAS dan Hudud Umno – Apa Bezanya?
Asam Pedas oleh Norhayati KaprawiKALAU dulu hanya PAS yang menjadikan hudud dan negara Islam sebagai simbol identiti partinya, sekarang ada pemimpin Umno pun mahu ikut serta dalam permainan itu. Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Kemelah Datuk Ayub Rahmat dalam sidang dewan undangan negeri Johor baru-baru ini mencadangkan agar Johor menjadi negeri pertama di Malaysia melaksanakan hukum hudud “sebenar” yang berbeza […]
Assault on journalists: Whose fault?
By Ding Jo-AnnON 26 Feb 2012, Kwong Wah Yit Poh journalists Adam Chew and Lee Hong Chun were injured in an attack while covering a demonstration in Penang against the Lynas rare earth refinery. Chew and Lee were both hit on the head by a group appearing to be Umno supporters who had gathered to heckle the […]
Uncommon Sense with Wong Chin Huat: Why hasn’t Shahrizat resigned?
By Ding Jo-AnnWHAT do cows and condominiums have to do with each other? This question arose after it was revealed that the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) had purchased several luxury condominiums. The question was a no-brainer because the NFC received a RM250 million government soft loan to run a cattle-breeding project, not dabble in real estate. The […]